Foreign Affairs. January-February 2020

(Joyce) #1
Recent Books

January/February 2020 179

International Order: A Political History
Rienner, 2019, 261 pp.

Coupled with the rise of China, the
United States’ foreign policy struggles
have renewed old debates about the
nature of international order and about
what a post-U.S. global system might
look like. In this illuminating history,
Kocs traces how international order has
risen and fallen over the centuries. At
every stage, order emerged from the
actions of powerful states that wanted
to establish norms, rules, and institu-
tions to suit their own purposes. In each
instance, the result was an uneasy
balance of coercion and consent, a
tension that ultimately became a source
of disorder. The victors of World War I
set up a new order grounded in universal
principles—free trade, self-determination,
arbitration, and collective security—but
were not willing to extend them to their
colonial subjects. During the Cold War,
the United States tried to infuse liberal
values into its dominance of the West-
ern system, and the Soviet Union tried
to justify its rule of the Eastern bloc
with a vision of communist egalitarian-
ism. Today’s “liberal order” combines
multilateral institutions and the promo-
tion of human rights with forceful
diplomacy and military intervention-
ism. Kocs does not break new scholarly
ground, but his comparative historical
perspective provides a useful primer
and a starting point for debate.

Economic, Social, and

Richard N. Cooper

The Finance Curse: How Global Finance
Is Making Us All Poorer
Press, 2019, 384 pp.


his well-researched but some-
what intemperate book argues
that the financial sector in all
modern economies is much too large.
Shaxson angrily decries the overweening
influence of banks and investment
companies, which he believes lord over
the economy to the detriment of other
kinds of businesses. He laments how the
financial sector absorbs bright college
graduates, extracting human capital from
the rest of the economy. In the United
Kingdom and the United States, all
political parties are to blame for the
financial sector’s dominance. Shaxson
criticizes the former Democratic U.S.
president Bill Clinton and the former
Labour British prime minister Tony
Blair as much as he berates Republicans
and Tories. A British journalist, Shax-
son reserves particular ire for the City
of London—home to the British
financial sector—and for the role of
British dependencies such as Bermuda
in facilitating tax avoidance and many
other forms of financial malfeasance.
He urges a future post-Trump United
States to not only clean up its own act
but also pressure the United Kingdom to
reckon with the culture of tax avoid-
ance it has created over the years.
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