Foreign Affairs. January-February 2020

(Joyce) #1
January/February 2020 19

tive. China is also seeking to build inter-
national institutions, such as the Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank, following
the playbook of the United States after
World War II, when Washington spear-
headed the creation of the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund.
Beijing has another reason to be more
active on the international stage. If China
refused to advertise its own institutions
while the West continued to advance the
values of liberal capitalism in China,
large swaths of the Chinese population
could become more attracted to Western
institutions. The current disturbances in
Hong Kong have failed to spread any-
where else in China, but they do illustrate
real discontent with the arbitrary applica-
tion of the law, discontent that may not
be confined to the former British colony.
The blatant censorship of the Internet is
also deeply unpopular among the young
and educated.
By projecting the advantages of its
political capitalism abroad, China will
reduce the appeal of the Western liberal
model to its own citizens. Its interna-
tional activities are essentially matters of
domestic survival. Whatever formal or
informal arrangement Beijing reaches
with states that embrace political capital-
ism, China is bound to exercise increas-
ing influence on international institutions,
which in the past two centuries have
been built exclusively by Western states,
to serve Western interests.

John Rawls, the consummate philosopher
of modern liberalism, argued that a good
society ought to give absolute priority to
basic liberties over wealth and income.
Experience shows, however, that many
people are willing to trade democratic


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How Fighting Precarity Can Achieve Radical Change
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