Reader\'s Digest Canada - 04.2020

(Brent) #1

In the last moments before I climbed into the

Cessna, I turned and faced a young, bearded

man who was pointing a video camera at my

face. I wore a jumpsuit made of panels of fluo-

rescent orange and green fabric, the colours

faded by years of sun and wind. A pair of gog-

gles and a leather helmet were strapped on my

head. “Why are you here?” the man asked.

I took a deep breath. “My name’s
Eva,” I said, speaking to the camera
lens, “and I’m here to face my fear of
falling from heights.”
I crawled into the tiny plane, awk-
ward in my elaborate harness. Only
the pilot had a seat—all the others had
been removed—and I sat on the floor
behind him, facing backwards, spoon-
ing with my divemaster, Barry. Another
pair climbed in beside us: divemaster

Neil and his charge, Matthew, a first-
time skydiver like me.
They sat by the open doorway, and
Matthew and I bumped fists as the little
Cessna rattled its way down the gravel
runway. Matthew looked elated. I knew
I was supposed to be excited, too, but
I couldn’t get there. For the moment, I
existed in a bubble of cold calm. That,
I figured, was preferable to the likely
alternative: wild, hair-tearing panic.

reader’s digest

86 april 2020

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