2020-03-01 MIT Sloan Management Review

(Martin Jones) #1


than 10,000 of its employees to use meditation to
improve self-perception, regulate emotions, and
increase resilience and empathy. Participants re-
port double-digit increases in their personal sense
of meaning, their ability to focus, their level of
mental clarity, and their creative abilities.^18 For its
part, Johnson & Johnson has long focused on em-
ployee well-being. Recent efforts center on energy
and performance, with a stated goal to help em-
ployees achieve “full engagement in work and life.”
Participants answer diagnostic questions such as,
“Are you present in the moment, focused, and fully
aware?” and peer reviewers assess whether “their
self-image is keeping them from being the person
they wish to be.” Leaders serve as active role models
for building these capabilities. CEO Alex Gorsky,
for example, has long worn a fitness tracker and
speaks publicly about the link between mental
well-being and productivity.^19

IN THE FIRST TWO DECADES of the 21st century,
scholars and practitioners fine-tuned the technical
solution to the dilemma of disruption. It is high
time for that community to more fully define a
human solution — one that starts with senior lead-
ership and carries through an entire organization.
If you want to defeat the dilemma of disruption,
you must start by defeating delusions about disrup-
tion. That challenge starts at the top.

Scott D. Anthony (@scottdanthony) is a senior part-
ner at growth strategy consultancy Innosight and
coauthor of Dual Transformation: How to Reposition
Today’s Business While Creating the Future. Michael
Putz is a strategy and business development execu-
tive with two decades of experience driving growth
through disruptive innovation and business transfor-
mation. Comment on this article at http://sloanreview


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