Kiplingers Personal Finance

(John Hannent) #1



What’s Chicken Salad Chick?
We do chicken salad, and
we are a “chicky” place.
We have 65 restaurants from
Texas to Florida to Virginia.

What’s the appeal? Chicken
salad is comfort food. It
makes you feel nostalgic
and think of home. We
serve 15 varieties named for
the chicks in my life—women
who have positively inf lu-
enced me. Our “Olivia’s
Old South” is named for
my grandmother, who
made her chicken salad
with sweet pickle and hard-
boiled egg. We also serve
soup, sandwiches, sides
and desserts. To me, eating
is a social activity, so our
décor is designed to culti-
vate conversation.

You started at home? In 2007,
I was a stay-at-home mom
of three young children.
After a divorce, I racked my
brain: How would I support
my family? I was obsessed
with chicken salad and
tasted it wherever I trav-
eled. I thought, What if I
could come up with a really
good chicken salad, make
it at home and deliver it? I
went to work in my kitchen,

tried the results on every-
one I knew and tweaked
the recipe until I had a hit.
I sold it to neighbors and
teachers at my children’s
school, and within three
weeks I had more business
than I could handle.

But there was a hitch? It was
a blessing. In October 2007,
the county health inspector
told me that it was illegal
to sell home-cooked food
to the public and that I
had to shut down. By then
I had partnered with Kevin
Brown, a family friend who
was savvy about business,
and we decided to open a
restaurant. We leased a tiny
shack for $800 a month and
spent our own money to
turn it into a take-out
place. On opening
day in January
2008, we made
40 pounds of
chicken salad
and sold out
in two hours,
and on the
second day we
sold twice as
much in the same
time. We never looked
back. Kevin and I be-
came best friends, and
we married that year.

How did you grow? We
opened two more res-
taurants in Auburn
to handle demand.
Then we targeted

Eagle Merchant Partners,
of Atlanta, believed in what
we do, valued our core
values, respected what we
had built and didn’t want
to change it. We accepted
their offer in May 2015.
They bought majority own-
ership and infused more
capital. In 2016, we had
revenue of $12.4 million.

Your role now? Kevin passed
away from cancer in 2015.
I still have a share of own-
ership, and I’m financially
secure. Now, I’m the com-
pany’s brand voice to make
sure we stay true to who
we are.

What’s the goal? We want to
be the best chicken salad
in the nation. The cost to
establish a franchise,
depending on square
footage, runs from
$400,000 to
$550,000 per
restaurant. We
hope to have
200 restau-
rants by

Are you sick of
chicken salad? I
was when I was
the one cooking it.
I probably didn’t
eat it for a year and a
half. When I got back
to it, I thought, Darn,
this is good. Really good.

Sharing a Taste of the South


Her obsession with chicken salad launched a franchised fast-casual restaurant.

WHO: Stacy Brown, 42
WHERE: Auburn, Ala.
WHAT: Founder, Chicken Salad Chick

other college towns. Visiting
parents would ask, “What
do we have to do to get
one of these in Little Rock
or Tuscaloosa?” Franchise
requests poured in. We
secured a local partner and
investor and built our fran-
chising infrastructure.
We got a lot of press, and
many private-equity com-
panies came knocking. We
turned away all but one.
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