British GQ - 04.2020

(avery) #1
still can’t decide whether it was a good
or bad idea to embark on my trip to
the Sha Wellness Clinic – a glistening
modernist beacon of health and wellbe-
ing on Spain’s sun-soaked Costa Blanca

  • on the back of a Saturday night rager.
    I chose to book my trip, you see, for
    the last week of November, a period
    when – in the heady world of men’s
    lifestyle journalism, at least – Christmas
    party season is already in full swing.
    Suffice to say, my 7am flight to
    Alicante – Sha’s nearest airport – did
    nothing for my hangover. Nor did the
    fact that when I finally arrived at the
    hotel, I remembered that this wasn’t just
    an average spa weekend I was embark-
    ing on, but rather a full-blown medical
    experience designed, in the words of the

clinic, to “improve and notably lengthen
[...] health and wellbeing through the
fusion of natural therapies, mainly orig-
inated from millenarian eastern wisdom
with Western techniques.”
All fears were quickly mitigated by
the gracious white coat-clad staff who
greeted me with a chorus of chirpy
“holas”, the ritzy blanched surrounds
and the fact that the clinic – which
boasts some 93 sparely decorated guest
suites and a state-of-the-art treatment
centre – is perched in a picturesque
spot overlooking the Mediterranean
Sea, in the shadow of the hulking Sierra
Helada mountains.
Where other clinics tend to put spa
programmes and/or fitness offerings
at the core of their treatment regimes,

the focus at Sha, perhaps unsurprising-
ly, is food – all of which is vegetarian;
with no dairy, sugar, caffeine or alcohol
served. Short of being miserable and
mean, however, the dishes served up
at Sha’s only restaurant are delicious.
Once my body had recovered from the
initial shock of being denied merlot

Between the sea
and the shadows of
Sierra Helada,
chic Sha Wellness
specialises in
tackling sleep and
stress-related issues

Sha Wellness on the Costa Blanca puts food at the heart of its healing mission

Story by Teo van den Broeke

Best for rejuvination

A taste of


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138 GQ.CO.UK APRIL 2020
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