British GQ - 04.2020

(avery) #1
The sell matters
In the early days of S’well, no one
bought the product because the first
website talked all about the
statistics of the plastic in
the ocean and the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch
and how many people
on the planet didn’t have
drinking water. After all
that it said, “Oh, and by
the way, I’m selling this
product.” Really, I had to
turn that message upside down.

Grow, but don’t become
too diffuse
Since we launched in 2010, with one
bottle, one colour, one size, we [now]
have a whole portfolio of products.
So we certainly have a wider stance,
but it all comes back to our singular
mission: to try to eliminate single-use
plastic from the planet. We’re still the
same company with the same focus, but
we’re broader and more sophisticated
in our product offering.

Don’t rely on focus groups
We’ve got a great in-house research
team that does focus groups. I think
that’s one way to think about [reach-
ing customers]: from a research
perspective. But we just came out with
silicone handles that you can carry
your bottle in and a lot of that came
from customers saying on our social

Who would have
predicted that premium
reusable water bottles
would become a status
symbol? S’well has sold
25 million of them,
with revenues of more
than £75m. Here’s
how founder and CEO
Sarah Kauss built it...

Sarah Kauss, founder of S’well



of MY


‘ I don’t like the word

“networking”, as it’s

so transactional.

Real connections

are truly beneficial’

Story by Thomas Barrie


media, “I would love a better way to carry
my bottle so I can go hiking.” Similarly, I’ve
taken the subway to work and had a great
conversation with someone about my reus-
able coffee container...

Network less, but better
I don’t like the word “networking” because it seems
so transactional. I really see it as not necessarily the number
of contacts you have in your LinkedIn, or the number of
business cards you can pick up at an event, [but] as having
more real, deep and meaningful connections that happen to
be truly beneficial for each other. I’d rather go to an event
or speak at a conference and talk to two people, but really
understand who they are and how I can help them and make
a connection and file it away.

The boring stuff is important
I was a chartered accountant for four years; I worked for a
very good firm. I worked for smart people and I liked them,
[but] I really disliked it. I’m a people person – I like the exter-
nal and not the internal. However, it was good discipline for
me to sit at a desk and crunch numbers for four years. To
this day, I can find my way around the balance sheet and an
income statement and I know, when I see an Excel spread-
sheet, when something’s wrong.

Get help
If I could go back to the first week of starting the company,
I would tell myself to think about bringing in a leader-
ship team earlier on. It’s OK not to know everything, to

raise your hand and say, “These are the
areas that I’m strong, but these are
the areas that I’m less experienced in,”
and really try to supplement that and
not feel guilty. I’m incredibly proud of
where S’well is today. But could we be
further, faster, if I had had a really great
team by my side [earlier]?
In the last year, we brought on a chief
marketing officer. I was a little late to
understanding the need to have a great
marketer because the product boomed.
That was probably something that was
clearly not in my wheelhouse and I can
see the benefit of having it.

It’s a good sign if your team
hangs out
You can’t regulate people being friends
at work, but I follow a lot of our team
on social media and I see they hang
out on the weekends. By allowing
people to socialise, it does bring a sep-
arate level of engagement that you can
hope for in a culture. But you don’t
want to mandate it.

Keep a ‘five-year diary’
For the last 15 years or so, I’ve been
keeping a five-year journal. If today’s
31 January, on the same page I can see
what happened three years ago or two
years ago. It makes me feel like I’m
making periodic progress: whatever
thing that was vexing me two years ago
is certainly cleared up by now. I realise
that the challenges aren’t so dire and
it keeps me humble. It’s a really neat
system for me to keep myself a little
bit balanced in the midst of lots of ups
and downs on this journey.

04-20DetailsTrendsShirt_3411681.indd 68 11/02/2020 14:24

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