Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

Reference words

These are used to avoid repetition:




Cohesion means joining a text together with reference words (e.g. he, theirs) and
conjunctions so that the whole text is clear and readable. This unit practises the use
of reference words, while conjunctions are examined in Unit 3.5.

John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) was an influential British economist whose
theories had a profound effect on economic thought during the 1930s and later.
Heargued that governments should spend money to stimulate the economy, even
if theyhad to borrow to do so. This‘deficit spending’ was the basis of the New
Deal in the USA, which allowed itto overcome the Great Depression of 1929–1933.
Keynes’ theories became unfashionable in the 1970s, but theywere revived
following the recession of 2007–2009.

Here, the reference words function as follows:

Keynes governments spend money USA theories
He they This it they
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