Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

 Study these examples of reference words and phrases.

2.3:Cohesion 101

Pronouns he/she/it/they

Possessive pronouns his/her/hers/its/their/theirs

Objective pronouns her/him/them

Demonstrative pronouns this/that/these/those

Other phrases the former/the latter/the first/the second/the last

Reference Reference word/phrase

La Ferrera She

new businesses

average life of only 4.7 years

one economic

one social

the former.. ., the latter...

2 Practice A

 Read the following paragraph and complete the table.


La Ferrera (2007) has researched the life cycle of new businesses. She found that
they have an average life of only 4.7 years, and considers this is due to two main
reasons; one economic and one social. The former appears to be a lack of capital,
the latter a failure to carry out sufficient market research. La Ferrera considers that
together these account for approximately 70% of business failures.
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