Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1
the team faced six issues... This was rectified/solvedby...

our principal worry/dilemmawas...

5 Practice B

 Write a paragraph to evaluate solutions to the problem of university expansion using
the notes below.

Topic: University expansion

Problem: Demand for university places is growing, leading to overcrowding in lectures
and seminars

Solution A: Increase fees to reduce demand

Argument against A: Unfair to poorer students

Solution B: Government pays to expand universities

Argument against B: Unfair to average taxpayers, who would be subsidising the
education of a minority who will earn high salaries

Conclusion: Government should subsidise poorer students

6 Practice C

 Think of a similar problem in your subject area. Complete the table and write a
paragraph that leads to a conclusion.

2.10:Problems and Solutions 131



Solution A

Argument against A

Solution B

Argument against B

(Solution C)


 See Unit 2.1 Argument and Discussion

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