Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

(f) She had little interest/few interestsoutside her work.

(g) The insurance policy excludes the effects of civil war/wars.

(h) Electric irons were/iron wasfirst produced in the twentieth century.

(i) They studied the work/worksof three groups of employees over two years.

5 Practice B

 Read the text and choose the correct alternative.

140 Part 2: Elements of Writing


A large number of company/companieshas/havedeveloped website/websitesin
the last ten years. Trading using the internet is called e-commerce/e-commerces,
and this/theseis/aredivided into two main kinds: B2B and B2C. Many
business/businesseswant to use the internet to sell directly to its/theircustomers
(B2C), but large numbers have experienced trouble/troubleswith
security/securitiesand other practical issues. In addition, the high start-up costs
and the expense/expensesof advertising means/meanthat this/these
company/companiesoften struggle to make a profit for some time.
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