Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

2 Using verbs of reference

Referring verbs are used to summarise another writer’s ideas:

Previn arguedthat interest rates were too low.

Bakewell (1992) found that most managers tended to use traditional terms...

They may also be used to introduce a quotation:

As Scott observed: ‘Comment is free but facts are sacred.’

Most of these verbs are followed by a noun clause beginning with ‘that’.

(a) The following mean that the writer is presenting a case:

  • argue

  • claim

  • consider

  • hypothesise

  • suggest

  • believe

  • think

  • state.
    Melville (2007) suggested that tax rates should be harmonised.

3.4:Academic Vocabulary: Verbs and Adverbs 179

to manifest as manifestedin increased business failures

to overcome both difficulties were week overcomein the first

to propose they yearproposeoffering two new courses next

to prove the use of solar power is provingsuccessful
to recognise he is now recognisedas a leading expert

to relate to the pattern was physical factorsrelated toboth social and

to supplement the research was surveys supplementedby several

to undergo the system 1980s underwentmajor changes in the

to yield both surveys yieldedmixed results
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