Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

Planning your work

Longer assignments are normally set many weeks before their deadline, which means that
students should have plenty of time to organise their writing. However, it is worth remembering
that at the end of a semester, you may have to complete several writing tasks, so it may be a
good idea to finish one earlier.

You should also check the submission requirements of your department. These include style
of referencing, method of submission (i.e. electronic, hard copy or both) and place and time
of submission. Being clear about these will avoid last-minute panic.

(a) The first thing is to prepare a schedule for your work. An eight-week schedule might look
like this:

Longer Essays



Long essays of 2,500–5,000 words may be required as part of a module assessment.
These require more research and organisation than short essays, and this unit
provides a guide to how such an assignment can be tackled.
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