Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

2 Taking a critical approach

(a) Possible answer:

Summary Original

globalisation, although not a modern globalisation is not a new phenomenon, but
phenomenon... has its roots in the age of colonial development
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
(b) argues, emphasises, highlights
(c) However
(d) In contrast, Conversely

3 Practice

Model answer:

Lin (2006) demonstrates that globalisation has benefitted the multinationals, which have
transferred production from countries with high labour costs to cheaper ones, whose workers
thereby gain employment, while disadvantaging those where the facility has been lost. She
also mentions the plight of the poorest nations, which have gained little from globalisation.
Costa (2008) points out that the significant growth in international trade since 1990 has assisted
many developing economies, such as the BRIC group. Brokaw (2002) examines the varying
strategies of multinationals, which he claims have won substantial advantages from trade

4 Vocabulary revision

Simultaneously: At the same time
Ineptitude: Poor ability
Cross-border world trade: Buying and selling between counties
Outsourcing: Moving production or services abroad
Undoubtedly benefited: Certainly improved
Import tariff regimes: Tax on goods entering countries
Uniform quality: Regular standard
On the spot: Locally
Regional differences: Variations between areas
Tightly controlled: Strictly regulated

1.9 Organising Paragraphs

1 Paragraph structure

The answers are found below the table in section 2.

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