Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

3.2 Abbreviations

6 Practice

(a) information and communications technology/State-owned enterprises/and others
(b) unique selling point
(c) that is/World Trade Organisation
(d) note/curricula vitae/Human Resources
(e) Organisation for Economic and Cultural Development/United Arab Emirates
(f) European Union/Value Added Tax
(g) Chief Executive Officer/Research and Development
(h) Figure 4/world wide web
(i) British Airways/Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur
(j) Public relations/approximately/$75,000
(k) With reference to/Annual General Meeting/as soon as possible
(l) Professor/Master of Science/Doctor of Philosophy

3.3 Academic Vocabulary: Nouns and Adjectives

1 Nouns

NB: Not all these words have close synonyms. This list is a guide to approximate meaning.
Students should use a dictionary for a full understanding.

accuracy – precision
analysis – examination
approach – angle of study
assessment – test
assumption – informed guess
authority – expert
category – type
claim – argument
controversy – debate
correlation – link
deterrent – disincentive
emphasis – weight put on one area
evidence – proof
exception – different thing
extract – part of a longer work
ideology – belief
implication – unstated suggestion
innovation – new introduction
intuition – understanding without thinking
motivation – incentive

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