Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1


abbreviations in citations 54
abbreviations in writing 169
abbreviations, business 168
abbreviations, types 168
academic adjectives 175
academic vocabulary 171, 177
academic writing, format 6
academic writing, types 4
adjectives, academic 175
adverbs 125, 182
apostrophes 133
argument 89
argument, organisation of 90
articles 109
articles, definite 109
assessing internet sources critically 17

brainstorming 31
business abbreviations 168

capital letters 132
case studies 213
cause and effect 95
caution 146
change, language of 152
citation and quotation 24
citation and summary 24
citations and references 51
citations, abbreviations in 54
cohesion 100
colons 133
combining sources 58
commas 134
comparison structures 104
comparisons 104

conclusions 74
confusing pairs 164
conjunctions 183
conjunctions of opposition 187
counter-arguments 92
critical thinking 20

definite articles 109
definitions 113
definitions, complex 114
definitions, simple 113
describing visuals 153
discussion 89
discussion language 92
discussion organisation 90
discussion, vocabulary of 89

electronic resources, searching 14
elements of writing revision 156
emails 219
essay length 32
essay titles 30
evidence, providing 93
examples 116

formal letters 218
format of academic writing 4
full stops 135

generalisations 120
generalisations, structure 121
groups, working in 81
groupwork, problems 84
groupwork, successful 82
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