Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

(a) Find an example of:

(i) a book by one author
(ii) a journal article
(iii) a chapter in an edited book
(iv) an article from a newspaper website
(v) an anonymous magazine article (electronic)
(vi) an official report

(b) What are the main differences in the way these sources are referenced?

(i) _________________________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________________________________
(v) _________________________________________________________________________
(vi) _________________________________________________________________________

(c) When are italics used?

(d) How are capital letters used in titles?

(e) How is a source with no given author listed?

56 Part 1: The Writing Process

Intriligator, M. (2005) ‘Globalisation of the world economy: potential benefits and
costs and a net assessment’ in Gangopadhyay, R. and Chatterji, M. (eds) Economics
of Globalisation. Aldershot: Ashgate, 67–76.

OECD (1998) Open Markets Matter: The benefits of trade and investment liberalisation.
Paris: OECD.

Runciman, K. and Jenner, F. (2013) New Markets for Old: The Inside Story of
Globalisation. New York: Curtis & Bloomberg.

The Economist(2009) ‘Underpowered’. 16 April. Downloaded from: [29
April 2009].
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