Astronomy - USA (2020-06)

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    and collecting more photons
    over more pixels for a longer
    time without overexposing
    the image. When the data
    are represented in a graph,
    they appear as a point-spread
    function (PSF) that is bell-
    shaped (see “Out of focus”
    on page 56).
    My team and I have also
    studied, at the Mark Slade
    Remote Observatory (MSRO)
    in Wilderness, Virginia, a
    new technique that I discov-
    ered in April 2018. This tech-
    nique, called the diffuser
    method, is based on a
    technique first studied by
    astronomers at Penn State in
    a paper published in October
    2017 entitled “Towards
    Space-Like Photometric
    Precision from the Ground
    with Beam-Shaping
    The diffuser method uses
    an instrument called an
    Engineered Diffuser, pro-
    duced by RPC Photonics Inc.,
    from Rochester, New York.
    The diffuser spreads the light
    out over more pixels, like the
    defocus method. Placed in the
    image train like a filter, it
    serves as an optical beam-
    shaping element that creates a
    “top-hat”-shaped PSF (see
    “Data spread” above).
    Diffuser results
    With the traditional defocus
    method, even though the light
    is spread out to increase preci-
    sion, its bell-shaped PSF does
    nothing to mitigate the effects
    of scintillation or reduce the
    need for precise tracking to
    eliminate RCE. At the MSRO,
    I used a 0.5° divergence dif-
    fuser and analyzed the data
    with AstroImageJ, a freely
    available light-curve analysis
    I found that using the dif-
    fuser resulted in a very stable
    PSF. It also significantly
    reduced the short-term
    I also found that, even
    with a significant amount of
    drift in the image over several
    hours, RCE was virtually
    eliminated. This is because
    the light is spread out among
    many pixels and the RCE is
    “averaged out.”
    The benefits of using the
    diffuser method are shown in
    a paper describing our work,
    published recently in the
    Proceedings of the Society for
    Astronomical Sciences 2019
    Symposium, entitled “A
    Comparison of the Diffuser
    Method Versus the Defocus
    Method for Performing High-
    Precision Photometry with
    Small Telescope Systems,”
    Hubbell et al.
    The diffuser method typi-
    cally reduces the shot noise to
    less than 0.001 magnitude.
    For three-minute exposures,
    the short-term scintillation
    error could be reduced to less
    than 0.002 magnitude for a
    magnitude 10.8 star.
    The results for one exo-
    planet I imaged, HAT-P-16 b,
    proved to be of high quality.
    The long-term scintillation
    performance was the same as
    the defocus method, but the
    diffuser method provided
    high-precision results even
    with significant amounts of
    haze and the Moon high in
    the sky. The defocus method
    did not reduce the short-term
    scintillation in these same
    By using the diffuser
    method, you’ll have more
    opportunities to observe exo-
    planet transits and make
    high-precision measurements
    with your equipment. All you
    need to add is a diffuser. This
    inexpensive method will help
    you contribute to science by
    making follow-up observa-
    tions of exoplanets discovered
    by NASA’s TESS mission or
    archived Kepler data.
    Jerry Hubbell is assistant
    director of the Mark Slade
    Remote Observatory and vice
    president of engineering for
    Explore Scientific.
    The author and his team collect data at the Mark Slade Remote Observatory
    in Wilderness, Virginia. JERRY HUBBELL
    When light passes through the 0.5° Engineered Diffuser, the
    collected data forms a “top-hat” point-spread function. The X and
    Y axes are positions on the detector, and the Z axis is the count
    The Engineered Diffuser developed by RPC Photonics Inc. is installed in the filter (photons). The star is shown at upper right. JERRY HUBBELL
    wheel of a CCD camera at the Mark Slade Remote Observatory. JERRY HUBBELL

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