Below Zero is the spawn of 2018’s success story, Subnautica. Subnautica is a spectacular alien underwater survival sandbox from ...
Subnautica: Below Zero REVIEW Home sweet home. The scanner teaches you about all your finds. Bioluminescence creates some gorgeo ...
The culprit in this case is an awkward sequel. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter stripped away much of what was lovable abou ...
A fter the honking awfulness of The Quiet Man, it seems sensible to revisit Square Enix’s second most famous misstep. It starts ...
N o offence to Sweden (lovely country; fantastic meatballs), but the place is pricey. I once spent a week there on someone else’ ...
S o far I have accidentally chopped off half my bonsai tree, accidentally landed myself with a horrible pot for my bonsai tree, ...
I ’ve broken back into old habits. One particularly old habit, to be exact. Going into the new year, it’s not been Overwatch rou ...
I ’ve never played a videogame quite like Broken Reality. Set in a virtual world that reminds me of the primitive 3D chat rooms ...
Golden shields show heroes with the Warrior class combo buff. Units you own but haven’t deployed are in little pens. MAJOR MODS, ...
DOTA AUTO CHESS The joyful deck-based Dota 2 game. By Philippa Warr EXTRA LIFE NOW PLAYING (^) I MOD SPOTLIGHT (^) I HOW TO (^) ...
to specific heroes at all instead of just collecting them in your pack. Then there’s the merge-three minigame. Plonking down thr ...
Levelled up heroes are bigger and wear fancier clothes. Shadow Fiend is stronger without other demons on the board. At the top y ...
IMPROVE YOUR FPS AIM Keep whiffing your shots? Here’s how to aim more accurately. By Sam Horti STICK TO A SENSITIVITY (^5) Yo u ...
SHOOT TO KILL Extra tips to up your body count KEEP AT IT! 12 Rinse and repeat. Improving your aim is an ongoing process that re ...
The judgemental playthrough of Arkane Studios’ revenge fantasy continues. By Rick Lane PART II DISHONORED 2: THE JUDGE OF KARNAC ...
W e’re off to the Clockwork Mansion today to put a spanner in the works of inventor and philosopher Kirin Jindosh, as well as re ...
poor squaddie, “Died a horrible death,” so I walk this guard to a quiet spot using possession, then plant a spring razor on his ...
IN ONE ROOM, I FIND A CORPSE PIN-CUSHIONED BY SLEEP DARTS I try to be careful, precise, thinking every movement through, but it ...
The Nazis have taken a special interest in the Atlantis myth OLD GAMES, NEW PERSPECTIVES REINSTALL ...
F ew adventure games actually feature much adventure. It’s a curious name for this, the most languid and cerebral of genres. But ...
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