Crochet Now - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1 | 85


go, work in the other side of foundation
chain, dc in next ch, 3 dc in next ch, sl st
to fi rst st. 10 dc
Rnd 2: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and in
next st, 2 dc in each of next 4 sts, 2 dc,
2 dc in each of last 2 sts, sl st to fi rst dc.
16 dc
Rnd 3: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and in
next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, [1 dc, 2 dc
in next st] 3 times, 3 dc, 2 dc in next st,
1 dc, 2 dc in last st, sl st to BLO of fi rst dc.
22 dc
Rnd 4: 1 ch, working in BLO, dc in same
st as joining and each st around, sl st to
both loops of fi rst st.
Rnd 5: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and in
each st around, sl st to fi rst st.
Rnd 6: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and
in next 2 sts, 1 dc2tog, [1 dc, 1 dc2tog]
3 times, dc in each st to end, sl st to fi rst
st. 18 dc
Rnd 7: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and in
next st, 4 dc2tog, dc to end, sl st to fi rst
st. 14 dc
Rnd 8: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and in
each st around, sl st to fi rst st.
Rnd 9: 1 ch, dc in same st as joining and
in each st around, pm to indicate beg
of rnd.
Rnds 10-13: Dc around.
Sl st in BLO of next dc. Fasten off.
Rnd 14: With RS facing and working in BLO,
join A with standing dc in same st as sl st,
dc around, sl st to both loops of fi rst st.
Rnd 15: 1 ch, dc in both loops of same st
as joining and in each st around, pm to
indicate beg of rnd.
Rnds 16-28: Dc around.
Sl st in next st. Fasten off leaving a long tail
for sewing.
Stuff Legs with toy stuffi ng, leaving
top empty.

With B, chain 3.
Rnd 1 (RS): [2 tr, 2 dc, 1 ch, 1 tr, 1 ch, 2
dc, 2 tr, 2 ch, 1 sl st] in 3rd ch from hook.
Fasten off leaving long tail for sewing.

With E, chain 48.
Row 1 (RS): Starting from 2nd ch from
hook, dc in back ridge of each ch across.
Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.

With B, chain 20.
Row 1 (RS): 2 tr in 4th ch from hook, miss
2 ch, 2 dc, 1 htr, miss 2 ch, 5 dtr in next

ch, miss 2 ch, 1 htr, 2 dc, miss 2 ch, 3 tr in
last ch. Fasten off.17 sts
Row 2(RS):With RS facing and working in
leftover front loops of foundation ch, join
B in fi rst ch with sl st, 7 sl st, 2 ch, 1 tr, 2
ch, 8 sl st. Turn.17 sts and 2 2ch-sps
Row 3 (WS):1 ch, 2 dc, 8 ch, miss 6 sl st
and 1 2ch-sp, 1 dc, 8 ch, miss 2ch-sp and
6 sl st, 2 dc. Turn.5 dc and 16 ch
Row 4 (RS):3 ch (counts as fi rst tr), 2 tr in
fi rst st, miss 1 st, 6 sl st, miss 2 ch, 5 tr in
next st, miss 2 ch, 6 sl st, miss 1 st, 3 tr in
last st. Fasten off.

With RS facing, join B in dc at end of Row 3
with sl st, 29 ch , fasten off. Repeat on other
side for 2nd Tie.

Making up
Using photo as a guide and long tails left
for sewing, assemble Violet Valiant Heart
as follows.
Holding WS of Belt together, sew ends of

With RS facing and working in BLO,

ch, miss 2 ch, 1 htr, 2 dc, miss 2 ch, 3 tr in row together. Sew Belt to Body. Sew Heart
to centre front of Body.
To make thumbs, with RS facing, join E
around post of dc on Rnd 6 with sl st, 3 ch,
sl st around post of st just above on Rnd 7,
fasten off. Repeat for other Arm.
Flatten Arms and sew to Rnd 25 on each
side of Body.
Flatten Legs and sew to rnds 44-48 on each
side at bottom of Body.
For Braids, cut two strands of B,
30.5cm long, and set aside, they will
be used to secure Braids. Beg at
centre back, gather Hair to each side
of Head, ending 3 sts off-centre at front.
Separate one side of gathered Hair
into three equal sections and braid for
approximately 20cm, wrap B strand
several times around bottom of Braid and
secure ends, tie ends into a bow. Repeat
for other side of gathered Hair. Trim Braid
ends evenly.
Using light pink crayon, add some colour to
cheeks. Tie Mask around Head.
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