The Scientist - USA (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1



n the spring of 2019, neuroscientist Heather Cameron set
up a simple experiment. She and her colleagues put an
adult rat in the middle of a plastic box with a water bottle
at one end. They waited until the rat started drinking and
then made a startling noise to see how the animal would
respond. The team did this repeatedly with regular rats and with
animals that were genetically altered so that they couldn’t make
new neurons in their hippocampuses, a brain region involved
in learning and memory. When the animals heard the noise,
those that could make new hippocampal neurons immediately
stopped slurping water and looked around, but the animals lack-
ing hippocampal neurogenesis kept drinking. When the team
ran the experiment without the water bottle, both sets of rats
looked around right away to figure out where the sound was
coming from. Rats that couldn’t make new neurons seemed to
have trouble shifting their attention from one task to another,
the researchers concluded.^1
“It’s a very surprising result,” says Cameron, who works at
the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda,
Maryland. Researchers studying neurogenesis in the adult
hippocampus typically conduct experiments in which animals
have had extensive training in a task, such as in a water maze,
or have experienced repetitive foot shocks, she explains. In her
experiments, the rats were just drinking water. “It seemed like
there would be no reason that the hippocampus should have
any role,” she says. Ye t in animals engineered to lack hippocam-
pal neurogenesis, “the effects are pretty big.”
The study joins a growing body of work that challenges
the decades-old notion that the primary role of new neurons
within the adult hippocampus is in learning and memory. More
recently, experiments have tied neurogenesis to forgetting, one
possible way to ensure the brain doesn’t become overloaded
with information it doesn’t need, and to anxiety, depression,
stress, and, as Cameron’s work suggests, attention. Now, neuro-
scientists are rethinking the role that new neurons, and the
hippocampus as a whole, play in the brain.

The memory link
The first hint that adult animal brains may make new neurons
appeared in the early 1960s, when MIT neurobiologist Joseph
Altman used radioactive labeling to track the proliferation of nerve
cells in adult rats brains.^2 Other data published in the 1970s and
1980s supported the conclusion, and in the 1990s, Fred “Rusty” Gage
and his colleagues at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, used
an artificial nucleotide called bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to tag new
neurons born in the brains of adult rats and humans.^3 Around the
same time, Elizabeth Gould of Princeton University and her collabo-
rators showed that adult marmoset monkeys made new neurons in
their hippocampuses, specifically in an area called the dentate gyrus.^4
While some researchers questioned the strength of the evidence sup-
porting the existence of adult neurogenesis, most of the field began
to shift from studying whether adult animal brains make new neu-
rons to what role those cells might play.

In 2011, René Hen at Columbia University and colleagues creat-
ed a line of transgenic mice in which neurons generated by neuro-
genesis survived longer than in wildtype mice. This boosted the
overall numbers of new neurons in the animals’ brains. The team
then tested the modified mice’s cognitive abilities. Boosting
numbers of newly born neurons didn’t improve the mice’s perfor-
mances in water mazes or avoidance tasks compared with control
mice. But it did seem to help them distinguish between two events
that were extremely similar. Mice with more new neurons didn’t
freeze as long as normal mice when put into a box that was simi-
lar to but not exactly the same as one in which they’d experienced
a foot shock in earlier training runs.^5

These results dovetailed with others coming out at the time,
particularly those showing that aging humans, in whom neuro-
genesis is thought to decline, often have trouble remembering
details that distinguish similar experiences, what researchers call
pattern separation.6,7 “The line of thinking is that the memories
that are most likely to be impacted by neurogenesis are memories
that are really similar to each other,” says Sarah Parylak, a staff
scientist in Gage’s lab at the Salk Institute.
As insights into pattern separation emerged, scientists were
beginning to track the integration of new rodent neurons into
existing neural networks. This research showed that new neurons
born in the dentate gyrus had to compete with mature neurons
for connections to neurons in the entorhinal cortex (EC), a region
of the brain with widespread neural networks that play roles in
memory, navigation, and the perception of time.^8 (See “Memories
of Time” on page 32.) Based on detailed anatomical images, new
dentate gyrus neurons in rodents appeared to tap into preexisting
synapses between dentate gyrus neurons and EC neurons before
creating their own links to EC neurons.
To continue exploring the relationship between old and new
neurons, a group led by the Harvard Stem Cell Institute’s Amar
Sahay, who had worked with Hen on the team’s 2011 study, wiped
out synapses in the dentate gyruses of mice. The researchers over-
expressed the cell death–inducing protein Krüppel-like factor 9
in young adult, middle-aged, and old mice to destroy neuronal
dendritic spines, tiny protrusions that link up to protrusions of
other neurons, in the brain region. Those lost connections led to
increased integration of newly made neurons, especially in the
two older groups, which outperformed age-matched, untreated
mice in pattern-separation tasks.^9 Adult-born dentate gyrus neu-
rons decrease the likelihood of reactivation of those old neurons,
Sahay and colleagues concluded, preventing the memories from
being confused.

Neurogenesis appears to play a role

in both remembering and forgetting.

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