Creator Hamdbook - USA (2020-06)

(Antfer) #1
Jordan Maison studied Post-Production and
art in college and has plied that knowl-
edge for various websites over the years.
On top of this he’s a writer with work seen
in Videomaker, Pure Nintendo Magazine,
Cinelinx, Star Wars, Guinness World
Records, and an official artist for various
Topps Trading Card licenses.

nity as the secret to their overall
success. “We stay very engaged
on all social media,” he remarks.
“That’s one of the biggest reasons
we have such a positive communi-
ty; because we interact with them.
We know their stories and they
know ours. The communication
is constant, regardless of content
going up or not, we’re always
wondering what they’re doing and
asking about things they [want] to
see from us.”
Schnur encourages creators to
take the time to develop this ap-
proach with their audiences, “I see
people upload videos all the time
and I don’t see any comments
from them within the [video’s]
comments or on Twitter [and]
Facebook...When you’re engaged
with your YouTube comments,
that is going to really solidify your
community. If you can build a

community—if you can build a cul-
ture within your channel so they’re
not just watching content, [but
are] a part of the community, then
you’re going to have more success.”
It’s one of the primary reasons
they didn’t see any real loss of sub-
scribers during the “hackening.”
In fact, they’re social audience
even grew during that period of
time, which in turn created more
subscribers once they were back up
and running!
He adds one more tidbit of ad-
vice for other YouTubers out there.
Whether they’re getting started or
trying to get a big break: do what
you do best and don’t sacrifice on
quality: “I’ll say this right now, I
stay in my lanes. I am the worst
editor out of the whole team. I can
still do the cinematic stuff but the
other guys are so good at it and
they have it down.

“Just do your best work [even]
when you think no one’s looking.”
Schnur emphasizes everyone on
the Neebs Gaming team works to-
ward this goal, constantly checking
on one another, “We want every-
thing to sound right, it’s gotta be
perfect...and this keeps everybody
on their toes.”
With over 700 million channel
views, there’s no denying their
approach to content is working for
them and their community. Com-
bining passion, dedication, and
a strict adherence to their style,
they’ve transformed into a chan-
nel that can not only survive hard
times but manage to thrive.



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