Creator Hamdbook - USA (2020-06)

(Antfer) #1

on how they are handling the
pandemic to an exquisite corpse-
style short film. Not only does
this give your audience a way to
escape their current situation
but it can give them a sense of
community. Right now, people
are feeling the effects of social
isolation, and having a way to be
involved with a strong and sup-
portive group can really lift up
spirits and let them feel involved
in something.

Apart from offering up infor-
mation and a way to escape the
pandemic with your content,
you can also give your audience
a place where they can be heard,
somewhere for them to voice
their concerns or maybe look for
advice. Listening to your com-
munity’s experiences during this
pandemic and being a person
who can give collective advice to
everyone is not only a great way
to serve your audience but also a
way to make people feel like part
of a caring family.

Once you’ve figured out how you
want to serve your audience, you
have to think about the best way to
provide that service.

An important factor to remember
with content creation during a
pandemic is that the consistency
of your uploads still determines
how many viewers you get as well

as what level of audience interaction and participa-
tion in whatever community-based projects you
might put out. Uploading consistently will keep your
viewers engaged with your content and keep their
attention. Any creator with a regular upload pattern
not only sees steady viewing numbers but also has a
higher chance of attracting new viewers.

Another great way in which you can provide your
service calls back to the earlier mentioned point of
building a community with your audience. Create a
space where your audience can connect with you as
well as with each other. This could come in the form
of a subreddit, Facebook group, Discord, or Twitch
Stream. Subreddits are a popular choice by most cre-
ators as they allow users to submit their own content
or even start discussions. By creating a space for your
audience to connect with you, you not only show
them that you appreciate their loyalty as viewers, but
you also show them that you care enough to give back
to them in times like this.

With everything going on in the world right now,
you need to keep in mind that some aspects of your
content might have to change, too. You might need
to adjust the topics that you focus on, which will
ultimately determine the response and participa-
tion from your audience. Many people will be facing
similar issues to yourself; therefore covering those
topics will help you connect with them on a more
personal and informative level.
But to successfully adjust your topics to fit the
needs of your audience, you will once again need
to listen to what your audience is looking for in the
content that they view. Rather than covering what
you usually would in your videos, you might have to
look into current events, and discuss certain issues
or questions that might be widely felt throughout
your community.
But that isn’t to say you have to completely
change what you focus on. You can still create the
same type of content as you did before, but this

Creating content during the pandemic: Staying creative while staying home
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