Creator Hamdbook - USA (2020-06)

(Antfer) #1



Creative ways to keep your travel channel

going when you can’t travel

As the world recently learned, traveling isn’t always possible. For
travel channels, now is the time to learn how to adapt.

Whether you’re committed to
travel vlogging as a full-time career
move or simply as a cool side-gig,
there are definitely going to be
times that your travel is limited. It
might be an unforeseen circum-
stance like a global crisis with a
travel ban. Maybe your last adven-
ture was so wild that you broke
both of your legs. Regardless, with
a little creativity, you can continue

creating relevant videos for your channel to keep
your audience engaged even if you’re stuck at home.
It’s entirely possible to create content that is timely
and relevant to the situation keeping you grounded.
You can create evergreen content that will still be
important for new viewers in the future. It’s also a
great time to hone your creative skills, practice edit-
ing techniques to broaden the scope of your content
and think outside the box. We’ve found a few travel
vloggers who are embracing their current downtime
and added our own inspirations, too.
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