PC World - USA (2020-06)

(Antfer) #1
72 PCWorld JUNE 2020


too. With ray tracing enabled, you’re able to
see much more detail inside the doors and
windows, thanks to the more realistic and
reactive lighting.
The room from Color, Light, & Shadow
(see opposite)—which is essentially a ray
tracing tech demo—reveals how striking
reflections can be using the new materials.
The tiny room’s mirrored walls look
spectacular with RTX On, but just like basic

gray slabs with
the technology
disabled, as
base Minecraft
doesn’t support
reflections like
this. Wow.
scenes from
Color, Light, &
Shadow show a
combination of
realistic lighting
sources and
surfaces. The
first scene
speaks for itself.
In the second
one, pay
attention not
only to the light
streaming in from overhead, but also the
different hues on the roof farther down the
hall. Alcoves down there include colored
lights inside, and you’re seeing that reflected
on that roof, like you would in real life. It’s
gorgeous stuff, and it makes Minecraft feel
much more vibrant.

That said, glorious visuals like this don’t come

RTX on.

RTX off.
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