Science - USA (2020-05-22)

(Antfer) #1



The recent development of brilliant pulsed
x-ray sources has generated new opportuni-
ties for time-resolved diffraction experi-
ments in the femtosecond regime. The ex-
periment of Yang et al. is an ED experiment
performed at the SLAC-MeV-UED facility ( 11 )
on a target gas of pyridine. The pump laser
launches a nonstationary wave packet on the
potential-energy surface of the S 1 (np*) ex-
cited state. Large-angle elastic scattering en-
codes information on the nuclear structure,
whereas small-angle inelastic scattering is
sensitive to electron correlation. In the elec-
tronic ground state of pyridine, the localized
n orbital is doubly occupied, which results
in strong so-called dynamical electron cor-
relation (the two electrons try to avoid each
other). In the S 1 (np*) excited state, these two
electrons occupy spatially separated orbitals,
which reduces dynamical electron correla-
tion. The population of the S 1 (np*) state can
be detected by the reduction of the small-
angle inelastic electron scattering signal in
the excited state.
Yang et al. extracted the nuclear struc-
tural dynamics from the simultaneously
measured large-angle elastic ED, using algo-
rithms that were developed earlier for sta-
tionary ED. Specifically, the main geometric
parameters are the average bond length of
the C 5 N ring and the dihedral angle repre-
senting the distortion of one of the atoms
out of the plane of the six-membered ring.
The transient structure confirms the preful-
venic distortion predicted earlier by ab ini-
tio calculations (see the figure). The time-
resolved ED data unequivocally reveal that
the decay of the population of the S 1 (np*)
state and the distortion of the ring occur on
the same time scale of ~300 fs, resolving a
decades-old puzzle in molecular spectros-
copy. This work of Yang et al. represents a
milestone on the path toward the character-
ization of photochemical events with simul-
taneous complete resolution in time as well
as in atomic structure. j


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Solitons and topological waves

A laser-fabricated waveguide array creates a nonlinear

medium that supports solitons

By Mark J. Ablowitz andJustin T. Cole


he intense coherent emission from
lasers enabled the study of light
propagation in nonlinear media,
which spurred many important ap-
plications. More recently, the study
of electromagnetic wave propaga-
tion in periodic media, where linear band
structures play an important role, has ad-
vanced in new directions. By breaking cer-
tain symmetries, such as time reversal, the
medium can support so-called
“topologically protected” modes
that possess uncommon robust-
ness to material defects. Theory
has suggested that certain non-
linear waves can inherit the
topology of associated linear
waves. On page 856 of this is-
sue, Mukherjee and Rechtsman
( 1 ) describe experiments where
such nonlinear waves, called
solitons, can now be observed
in the bulk of photonic topo-
logical media. These localized
waves exhibit cyclotronic mo-
tion as the light propagates
down a specifically engineered waveguide.
When a different mode is considered—one
with trivial topology—the waves no longer
circulate but remain essentially fixed in
their initial spatial distribution.

Investigations of solitons trace their
roots back to 1834, when naval architect
John Scott Russell first recognized their
remarkable character in the Union Canal
near Edinburgh, Scotland ( 2 ). This wave
was not oscillatory; it was a solitary sur-
face wave that propagated over surpris-
ingly long distances (2 to 3 km) with fixed
form. Some years later, mathematicians
described this solitary wave in terms of ap-
proximate equations derived from the gov-
erning water-wave equations. For nearly
70 years, this was essentially
all that was known theoreti-
cally. The situation changed
in 1965 ( 3 ) when it was found
that two such solitary waves
have extraordinary interac-
tion properties. Their interac-
tion is elastic in nature, and
the two waves exit the interac-
tion with the same amplitude
and speed with which they
entered. Such solitary waves
were termed solitons.
This paper motivated ma-
jor research studies in both
mathematics and physics. In
mathematics, it gave rise to a new field of
study: integrable nonlinear wave systems.
These are nonlinear partial differential
equations that are exactly solvable and pos-
sess an infinite number of symmetries and
conservation laws. In physics, researchers
have observed solitary waves and solitons
not only in water waves and nonlinear op-
tics but also in plasmas, electrical circuits,

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of
Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. Email: mark.ablowitz@; [email protected]

Light propagates down the waveguide and
cyclically returns to its initial state. If the
mode was nontopological, it would start and
remain in a state like the leftmost fgure.

The system is initialized
by injecting light (yellow)
into a waveguide (shown
as gray without light).

Light injection Rotating solitons

“Theory has


that certain

nonlinear waves

can inherit

the topology

of associated

linear waves.”

Tracking a topological soliton
Five snapshots (left to right) show a topological soliton as it propagates down an array of waveguides laser-
fabricated by Mukherjee and Rechtsman. The waveguide is fabricated in such a way that as adjacent waveguides
come close together, the light transfers in a counterclockwise fashion from one waveguide to the next.

22 MAY 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6493 821
Published by AAAS
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