Science - USA (2020-05-22)

(Antfer) #1 SCIENCE

quencies or tones spanning the
optical regime. The repetition
rate can be referenced to the
microwave-based International
System of Units (SI) definition
of the second. Because of a di-
rect relation between the rep-
etition rate and the comb tone
spacing, the absolute frequency
of each tone can be determined.
Measuring the optical beat be-
tween a single comb tone and
an unknown optical frequency
provides a method for directly
linking optical frequencies to
the microwave reference. The
inverse should also be true, as
the stability and accuracy pro-
vided by an optical frequency
standard can be used as a ref-
erence for the OFC. This means
locking the comb in step with
the optical oscillations. The
comb is then expected to pro-
duce an equally stable output
in the microwave regime (see
the figure), and the measure-
ment of this seemed the obvious next step
( 5 ). The devil was in the details, and it took
nearly 20 years to come full circle to obtain
exceptional accuracy and long-term stabil-
ity in microwave generation.
Stable and accurate microwave signals
are used in a variety of arenas including
communication, navigation, radar, radio
astronomy, and fundamental physics re-
search. Currently, the most accurate and
stable frequency comparison and dissemi-
nation is achieved with ultrastable lasers
transmitted by optical fiber networks. These
systems are being used to lay the ground-
work for a redefinition of the SI second by
enabling direct optical-to-optical compari-
sons of frequency standards separated by
large geographical distances. Furthermore,
frequency transfer networks are used in
probes of fundamental physics ( 6 ) and de-
tection of submarine earthquakes by means
of deep-sea fiber optic cables ( 7 ), among
other applications.
Maintaining the stability and accuracy of
microwaves over long distances, whether
for synchronization, communication, or
navigation, requires overcoming some ob-
stacles in transmission and signal processing.
Atmospheric and delay compensation has im-
proved—for example, with two-way satellite
time and frequency transfer for satellite- and
ground-based systems. Space-based applica-
tions using ultrastable microwaves avoid the
issues of atmospheric disturbance altogether.
By using the ultralong baselines only acces-
sible to space-based systems, radio telescope
arrays in space synchronized by ultrastable

microwaves have the potential to greatly in-
crease the resolution of the signals ( 8 ).
Unlike for satellite-based transmission,
Doppler radar systems can immediately
take advantage of stability and accuracy
improvements in microwave reference sig-
nals. These radar systems simply compare
an outgoing signal and a received echo, us-
ing a single common clock signal and path.
Upgraded microwave stability directly in-
creases the attainable accuracy, unblurring
the images of distant and moving targets
( 9 ). This improved accuracy will help in
efforts to upgrade navigation and tracking
systems across multiple sectors.
The directed development of new tech-
nologies as a result of scientific need runs
through several recent innovations impor-
tant for improved accuracy and stability.
An essential component for the optical-to-
electrical conversion through OFC is the
optical detector that turns the regularly
spaced output pulses of light into a signal
of ultrastable microwaves. Extensive and
focused research and development was re-
quired to produce high-speed photodiodes
with high linearity even when processing
high peak intensities in the pulse train.
Exceptionally stable microwave genera-
tion and measurement required exploiting
the growing field of software-defined radio
( 10 ), which combines multiple systems of
microwave hardware devices into one re-
configurable software-driven device. This
approach is gaining widespread use for fre-
quency production and manipulation. This
trend highlights a move from analog to

digital frequency synthesis and
for integration of signal gen-
eration and processing. Finally,
innovations in the OFC technol-
ogy itself were key to improved
microwave generation and can
now be found in commercially
available devices.
Miniaturization and integra-
tion of several technologies
will be necessary to enable
widespread stable microwave
and optical frequency produc-
tion and dissemination. The
next step likely involves the
continued development of por-
table atomic clocks and opti-
cal frequency “microcombs”
(microOFCs) ( 11 ). Far-ranging
operation could involve optical
clock–level time and frequency
provided by fully integrated
systems of miniature optical
clocks, microOFCs, and noise-
reducing detectors and mi-
crowave electronics. Because
optical clocks have achieved un-
precedented levels of accuracy ( 12 ) and sta-
bility ( 13 ), linking the frequencies provided
by these optical standards with distantly lo-
cated devices would allow direct calibration
of microwave clocks to the future optical SI
second. This combination would markedly
improve synchronization capabilities be-
tween multiple locations and devices, and
over large distances.
Like the revolution that OFC technology
produced in the field of optical frequency
metrology, Nakamura et al.’s ability to pro-
duce microwaves with the stability and ac-
curacy afforded by an optical clock signal is
a paradigm shift in the field of microwave
metrology. The impact will extend to ap-
plications in fundamental physics, com-
munication, navigation, and microwave
engineering. Growing access to this new
frontier of ultrastable microwave sources
will only push these sectors and others to
new innovative heights. j


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  8. L. I. Gurvits, Adv. Space Res. 65 , 868 (2020).

  9. P. Ghelfi et al., Nature 507 , 341 (2014).

  10. J. A. Sherman, R. Jördens, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 , 054711

  11. P. Del’Haye et al., Nat. Photonics 10 , 516 (2016).

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Optical-to-microwave conversion

Optical frequency comb tones

Optical frequency comb
Lock comb
to optical

rate frep

Optical fast “tick”
Microwave slow “tick”

Actual gear ratio

Atomic reference

Atomic optical frequency standard

To atomic

To optical
frequency comb





Optical frequency comb output

1/frep output

Making microwaves
An optical frequency standard uses
a signal generated from an atomic
excitation to steer a stabilized
laser output. Combining this with
the output of an optical frequency
comb produces an interference
beat. Stabilizing the beat frequency
forces the repetition rate of the
comb to lock in step with the
frequency reference, only with a
microwave output.

826 22 MAY 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6493

Published by AAAS
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