Nature - USA (2020-05-14)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 1 | NPM1 lacks a f ixed Cdil and Cden, suggesting that
nucleoli undergo multicomponent-mediated phase separation.
a, b, Dependence of the measured concentration of NPM1 in the relevant dense
phase (here ‘den’ refers to the granular component of nucleoli) (a) and the
apparent partition coefficient of NPM1 (that is, the ratio of its concentration in
the dense and dilute phases) (b) on the total concentration of NPM1 in the

nucleus. c, Dependence of the transfer free energy on the concentration of
NPM1 in the dilute phase, for mCherry-tagged NPM1 (filled circles) and
mGFP-tagged (open circles). The trends for each are similar. Dashed lines
represent mean confidence intervals to fits described in the Supplementary
Methods; the red lines in a, b represent expected trends for single-biomolecule
phase separation.
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