Nature - USA (2020-05-14)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 2 | G3BP1, coilin and DCP1A lack f ixed Cdil and Cden in
cells. a–c, Relationship between the approximated total concentration and the
dilute concentration in cells expressing variable amounts of fluorescently
tagged G3BP1 (a), coilin (b) and DCP1A (c). Points are red in a to indicate that
only cells with phase separation in the G3BP1 double knockout line after stress
are included. d–f, Relationship between the dilute and dense concentrations

for cells expressing variable amounts of f luorescently tagged G3BP1 (d), coilin
(e) and DCP1A (f). Dashed lines represent mean confidence intervals to fits
described in the Supplementary Methods. Statistical significance (P < 0.01) for
these increasing monotonic relationships between the axes are reported
in Supplementary Methods. Red points in d and f represent diffraction-limited
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