Beginner's Guide To Quilting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
Use a backstitch to stitch over all the
traced lines of the scissors, keeping
your stitches small and even.

Step 6 C o nt i n u e to d e c o ra te yo u r
patchwork by stitching over some of
the patterned lines on the fabric for
extra emphasis. Choose the patterns
you want to stand out even more by
either stitching over them in the same
colour or a contrasting one. For this
design we used a mixture of backstitch

Working with Blocks

112 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting

and running stitch with a few French
knots for good measure (see page 149)
but you can use whatever stitches you
like – just decide what works best with
the fabric patterns you’re using.

Step 7 When you’ve finished
assembling the patchwork and
embroidering the pincushion front,
place it right sides together with the
backing fabric. Stitch the layers

Fabric in
the spotlight
We’ve used the
Sunnyside range by
Kate Spain for Moda
in this project. These
fabrics can be bought
as a charm pack with
42 different prints to
choose from, so you
can use a few for your
pincushion and still
have lots left over
for your next project.

together all round the edge, leaving
a small gap along one side.

Step 8 Turn the pincushion right sides
out and press with a hot iron. Stuff firmly
then stitch up the gap using small neat
stitches in a matching thread.


(^) Step-by-step log cabin block, p109
(^) Blocks library, page124
(^) How to: embroidery stitches, p148
Trace this scissors shape
on to the centre of your
pincushion then embroider
with backstitches!
Use embroidery to
highlight parts of your
fabric print – French
knots & running stitch
work well for this.
Top tip
Press seams over
the darker piece of
fabric so they won’t
be as visible from
the front.

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