Beginner's Guide To Quilting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1


It’s time to discover the secrets of sewing
curves! It’s loads of fun once you get started,
and there are plenty of tricks that can give
you a helping hand. Use paper templates for
piecing accurate shapes (the secret is in
keeping your seams nice and neat), and if
you’re quilting in curved lines try stitching by
hand – you’ll have greater control of your
needle than if you use a sewing machine.
One of our favourite blocks is the classic
‘Drunkard’s Path’, which uses a quarter-circle
segment. Learn how to make this and you’ll
be able to make spotty quilt tops. And it
doesn’t end there. Appliqué polka dots? No
problem. Stylish seashell scallops for cushions
and pillows? Yes please!

158 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting

Next Steps

Now you’re a whiz at the basics of patchwork and quilting, take your
skills up a notch and have fun with these new techniques...

Beyond the BASICS

Shape up

As you gain confidence with cutting and
piecing you’ll be able to sew increasingly
complex shapes and patterns. Why not try
chevrons or stars? All it takes is a few smaller
patchwork pieces and you can create really
intricate designs. Chevrons can be made
from half square triangles arranged in a
zigzag pattern. The easiest way to sew stars is
to piece up diamonds to make patchwork
magic. This diamond quilt (right) is designed
by Katrina Hertzer, who blogs over at Nizhoni
Workshop –

Melon Slices Quilt, from I Love
Color! Quilt Collection by Marcia
Harmening, Leisure Arts, £9.99

© Katrina Hertzer,

Below: Stars by Rebekah Craft,
Free download pdf