Beginner's Guide To Quilting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
A lattice of strips
that can separate
blocks and may be
plain or pieced.

Squares at the
corners of sashing or
borders, which may
be plain or pieced.


Love Patchwork & Quilting


issue 6,



Quilts are made up of many different elements – but
what are they, and how do they work together?

Patchwork blocks
Units that make up the quilt.
These may be the same, or all
different, patterned or plain

  • it ’s r e a l ly up t o y ou!

The outer edging on a quilt,
made of a long, thin strip (or of
fabric. It hides and secures the
edges of the quilt top, wadding
and backing fabric.

The ‘frame’ for your blocks, the
border can be plain to let your
patchwork shine, or it can be a
feature in its own right!

Quilt sandwich
The three layers of a quilt – top,
wadding and backing fabric. You
assemble these after finishing the
quilt top then sew or tie through
all the layers to create the quilt.

The parts of a QUILT

Essential Techniques

22 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting

Appliqué block
Units or blocks created
with appliqué techniques.

Areas of running stitch or
other stitch used to secure
the quilt layers together and
provide decoration.

Learn to
find your
way around

a quilt!
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