Beginner's Guide To Quilting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

All about...



hile squares and strips are
great for basic patchwork,
triangles and diamonds
are well worth trying too. And why
stop there? Once you start playing
with shapes, we dare you to resist
giving curved shapes and hexagons
a go too! Using different shapes will
bring interest and movement to a
design. Specialist rulers are
available, but we’re here to show you
how to cut them with a straight
quilter’s ruler and cutting mat
before piecing them together.

Two of the most popular types you’ll come
across are Half Square and Quarter
Square Triangles, both right-angled.
Turn to pages 83 and 89 for our
step-by-step guides to cutting and piecing
these shapes. They’re easy to cut from
squares so are great for a starter project.

Another popular patchwork shape is
the equilateral triangle, as its sides are
all the same length and it’s easy to join
lots together. Here’s how to make them...

Cutting equilateral triangles

(^1) Using a quilter’s ruler (with 60° and
45° marks), work out what height your
triangles need to be, then add ¾in (2cm)
for the seams. Cut a fabric strip to match
the width – for example, if a finished
triangle needs to be 2in (5cm), the strip
will be 2¾in wide. Position the ruler so
that its 60° mark lines up with the top
edge of the strip and make the first cut.
(^2) Reposition the ruler so the other 60°
line lies along the bottom edge of the
fabric strip and the edge of the ruler is at
the top corner. Cut to create your first
triangle. Reposition the ruler again,
using the angle marks as your guide.
Repeat until you’ve cut the whole strip.
Piecing equilateral triangles
To join the equilateral triangles in rows
for blocks or borders, try using the ‘off-set
seam’ method. This ensures that a
finished row of triangles has a straight
edge along the top and bottom.
(^3) Cut a batch of triangles, then sew and
press the first two together with a normal
¼in (6mm) seam, matching up the edges
at the top and bottom points.
(^4) Place the third triangle right sides
together with the sewn pair, but this time
align the new triangle just at the top,
which means it will be off-set at the base.
Sew and press the seam. Place a fourth
triangle right sides together with the
sewn unit, this time aligning it at the
bottom, so it is off-set at the top. Sew in
place, press the seam and continue
adding triangles in this way, alternating
the off-set seams.
Why stick to squares when it’s possible to whip up pretty
patchwork from triangles, diamonds and more?
Exploring Shapes
78 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting
60 ̊ line runs
along the top of
your fabric strip
Rotate ruler so the
other 60 ̊ line runs
across the bottom
of the strip
the cut
Offset at
the base
Align the points
of both triangles
1 2
3 4

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