Amateur Photographer (2019-05-31)

(Antfer) #1

subscribe 0330 333 1113 I 25 May 2019 19

I have two! I’ve always
found the controls on
Canon SLRs intuitive
and the 5DS R’s 50.6MP
sensor enables me to
capture a high degree
of detail, vital for my
Sirens portfolio.

LEE fi lters
For longer shutter speeds, ND filters are
essential. I also love using graduated filters on
camera rather than in processing as I prefer, as
much as possible, to
finish the image
while I’m
on location.

I use NST Bright White
for its neutral base and
subtle texture, perfect
for black & white and
my more painterly colour
work. I also like Platinum
Etching, for textured,
warmer pictures.

Know your tides
Knowing how the tides affect your location
is essential. I use the app Nautide: this
gives the times of high and low water and
the coeffi cient (the difference between
the depth of low water and height of high
water). When the coeffi cient is large, low
tide will reveal things that usually remain
hidden and high tide will lap around
objects that usually remain dry. The tide
will also seem to move faster as it has
further to go and you’ll need to be careful
not to get cut off from land.

Then print some more...
Printing is a vital part of my workfl ow. Once I think an
image is fi nished, I make an A3 print of it and pin it to my
wall, living with it for days, or even weeks. I often fi nd I
notice things I want to change, so I change them and
print it again. Finally, if I’m happy with a picture after this,
it’s ready for my portfolio. Not only does this ensure I
produce the best image I can, it also makes me slow
down and be more considered in my work.

Print it!
I love printing. It’s only when we print an image that
it emerges from the ephemeral digital world and
becomes a tangible artefact. Even if you’re not yet
ready to print images yourself, it’s worth paying extra
to get your best pictures printed professionally on
fi ne-art paper. Think about which paper you’d like to
try as this will have a huge impact on your photograph.
It’s cheaper than buying that new lens, and may make
more of a difference to your work.

It’s all
about speed
The sea is in constant motion
so your shutter speed will have
a profound effect on your
photograph. Fast speeds will
freeze every droplet, thus
creating a sculptural effect. This
is a good choice for dramatic,
stormy seascapes. Alternatively,
long exposures, which would
often require fi lters, will smooth
out texture to create a more
ethereal mood. It’s also worth
experimenting in the^1 ∕ 4 in to 1in
range, for photographs that still
have some texture but look
like paintings.
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