2019-05-01 Money Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1


ou could just tidy up and hope for
the best but anyone can tell you
that a few small updates can make
a huge difference when it comes
to selling your home.
Darren Palmer, renowned interior designer and
judge on The Block TV show, is adamant that when
you’re presenting your home for sale you need to
make it as “beautiful and amazing as possible”.
You need to paint a picture of how a prospective
buyer’s life will fit into your home. That means
removing any reference to the specifics of your
own life. It needs to look as clean and organised as
it can be and it needs to be liveable and approach-
able with lots of emotional devices to grab buyers
by the heart strings.
People do not look at a house or apartment they’re
thinking of buying in the same way they look at
the place they live in. That perfectly cohesive look
teamed with beautifully styled accoutrements is
aspirational – it helps a buyer imagine how they’d
ideally like to live.




in style

The trick to preparing your

home for a successful sale

is to appeal to the emotions

of potential buyers



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