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Floral cushion
“Pick some of the smaller
flowers to stitch as cards
and mini pictures – you
could even make bro oches
and funky accessories!”
Hannah Erskine, Charting Assistant
Cross stitch in two strands
DMC Anchor Madeira
Z blanc 2 2402 white
L 10 259 160 4 light green
C 11 278 1414 gre en
M 12 279 2703 dark green
(^) s 209 98 803 dark lilac
t 210 108 802 lilac
b 211 342 801 light lilac
S 340 118 903 dark purple
` 341 117 902 purple
9 471 266 1501 m oss g re e n
q 760 1022 405 pink
X 761 1021 404 light pink
p 926 850 1707 d a r k p e t r o l b l u e
6 927 848 170 8 p e t r o l b l u e
e 928 274 170 9 l i g h t p e t r o l b l u e
T 3328 1024 407 very dark pink
< 3712 1023 406 dark pink
c 3713 1020 502 very light pink
2 3747 120 901 light purple
i 3821 305 2510 gold
E 3839 175 910 blue
f 3840 190 907 light blue
8 3841 9159 1001 baby blue
I 3853 1003 311 dark apricot
1 3854 313 114 apricot
V 3855 311 2513 light apricot
Backstitch in one strand
- –––– 3346 267 14 07 grass gre en
- –––– 3799 236 1713 g r e y
Backstitch in two strands
- –––– 3799 236 1713 g r e y
French knots in one strand
O 520 862 1514 f e r n g re e n
O 3328 1024 407 very dark pink
STITCH COUNT 161 high x 160 wide
DESIGN AREA 14 HPI (28-count evenweave) –
29x29cm (11 x11 in)
SKEINS NEEDED 2x760 (pink), 2x3712 (dark pink),
2x3799 (grey)
This design was stitched using DMC stranded cotton on
28-count evenweave over two threads of the fabric
Floral cushion key