Floral cushion
Trim your stitched piece so that it measures
40cm (15 in) square, with your design
positioned in the centre of the fabric.
Cut two pieces of backing fabric measuring
30x40cm (11 x15 in) for the envelope-
opening back panel. Sew a 2cm ( in) double
hem along one long edge of each piece.
With right sides facing, place these panels
over the front of your cushion cover. The
raw edges should match, and the hemmed
edges of the back panels should overlap in the
middle to create an envelope opening.
Pin and sew all the way around the edge of
the cushion cover, using a 1cm ( in) seam
allowance. Trim the corners, and then turn
through to the right side and press.
Sew a straight line of stitching all the way
around the cushion, 4cm (1 in) in from
the outside edge, to create the Oxford border.
Insert your cushion pad to finish.
How to make up the cushion
Colour pop
Choose a brightly coloured fabric
to back your cushion with, or to
create a border around the edge.
Get creative – there are so many
colours in this design to inspire you!
Wo w f a c t o r
I’ve chosen grey backstitch to define
all of the flowers in this piece – it helps
to create that bold finish I was after.
Some of them are even outlined in two
strands of grey for extra impact!
Designer Secrets