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row until there are 48 ( 54 :60: 66 :72) sts.
Cont straight until sleeve meas 15 ( 17 :20: 24 :
2 9) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.
Cast off 3 ( 3 :3: 4 :4) sts at beg of next 2 rows.
42 ( 48 :54: 58 :64) sts.
Next row (RS): K2, Sl 1, K1, psso, K to last
4 sts, K2tog, K2.
Next row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 3 ( 4 :5: 5 :6) times more,
en d i n g w it h R S fa c i n g for n e x t row.
34 ( 38 :42: 46 :50) sts.
Dec 1 st at each end of next 10 ( 10 :12: 12 :14)
row s, e n d i n g w it h R S fa c i n g for n e x t row.
Cast off rem 14 ( 18 :18: 22 :22) sts.
Join both shoulder seams.
With RS facing, starting and ending at
cast-on edges, using 3mm needles and
ya r n A , pi c k up a n d k n it 3 5 ( 38 :43: 47 :51) sts
up right front edge to beg of front neck
slope, 28 ( 30 :34: 37 :40) sts along right front
slope, knit across the 28 ( 30 :32: 34 :36) sts
from back holder, pick up and knit
28 ( 30 :34: 37 :40) sts down left front slope
to b e g of sh api n g, pi c k up a n d k n it
35 ( 38 :43: 47 :51) sts down left front edge.
15 4 ( 166 :186: 202 :218) sts.
Beg with row 2, work in rib as given for
Back for 3 rows, ending with RS facing for
next row.
Next row (RS): R i b to l a s t 2 9 ( 32 :35: 38 :41)
sts, work 2 tog, yo (to make a buttonhole),
rib 6 ( 7 :8: 9 :10), rep from twice more,
work 2 tog, yo, rib 3.
Work 1 more row in rib.
Cut off yarn A and join in yarn B.
Work 2 more rows in rib using yarn B only,
e n d i n g w it h R S fa c i n g for n e x t row.
Cast off in rib.
Joi n si d e s e a ms. Joi n sl e e ve s e a ms.
Sew sleeves into armholes.
Sew on buttons.
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Shea Sheep