The Knitter - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
final RS K2tog into stitch used at end of
left wing. 155 sts in wing section.

Round 1: (Yo, P1, yo, K1) 4 times
(once on each needle). 16 sts.
Round 2: (K1, P1, K2, pm) 4 times.
Round 3: (Yo, K1, P1, K1, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 24 sts.
Round 4: (K2, P1, K3, slm) 4 times.
Round 5: (Yo, K2, P1, K2, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 32 sts.
Round 6: (K3, P1, K4, slm) 4 times.
Round 7: (Yo, K3, P1, K3, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 40 sts.
Round 8: (K4, P1, K5, slm) 4 times.
Round 9: (Yo, K4, P1, K4, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 48 sts.
Round 10: (K5, P1, K6, slm) 4 times.
Round 11: (Yo, K5, P1, K5, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 56 sts.
Round 12: (K6, P1, K7, slm) 4 times.
Round 13: (Yo, K6, P1, K6, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 64 sts.
Round 14: (K7, P1, K8, slm) 4 times.
Round 15: (Yo, K1, K2tog, K4, yo, P1,
yo, K4, SSK, K1, yo, K1, slm) 4 times.
72 sts.
Round 16: (K1, K2tog, K4, yo, K1, P1,
K1, yo, K4, SSK, K2, slm) 4 times.
Round 17: (Yo, K2tog, K4, yo, K2, P1,
K2, yo, K4, SSK, yo, K1, slm) 4 times.
80 sts.
Round 18: (K2tog, K4, yo, K3, P1, K3,
yo, K4, SSK, K1, slm) 4 times.
Round 19: (Yo, K4, K2tog, K3, yo, P1,
yo, K3, SSK, K4, yo, K1, slm) 4 times.
88 sts.
Round 20: (K4, K2tog, K3, yo, K1, P1,
K1, yo, K3, SSK, K5, slm) 4 times.
Round 21: (Yo, K3, K2tog, K3, yo, K1,
Cr3, K1, yo, K3, SSK, K3, yo, K1, slm)
4 times. 96 sts.
Round 22: (K3, K2tog, K3, yo, K3, P1,
K3, yo, K3, SSK, K3, K1, slm) 4 times.
Round 23: (Yo, K8, Cr3, P1, Cr3, K8, yo,
K1, slm) 4 times. 104 sts.
Round 24: (K12, P1, K13, slm) 4 times.
Round 25: [Yo, K7, (Cr3, K1) twice, Cr3,
K7, yo, K1, slm] 4 times. 112 sts.
Round 26: (K13, P1, K14, slm) 4 times.
Round 27: [Yo, K3, yo, SSK, (K1, Cr3)
twice, P1, (Cr3, K1) twice, K2tog, yo,
K3, yo, K1, slm] 4 times. 120 sts.
Round 28: (K14, P1, K15, slm) 4 times.
Round 29: [Yo, K1, yo, SSK, K3, yo,
S S K, (K 1, C r 3) 3 t i m e s, K 1, K 2 to g,
yo, K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, K1, slm]

4 times. 128 sts.
Round 30: (K15, P1, K16, slm) 4 times.
Round 31: (Yo, K3, yo, SSK, K4, yo,
SSK, K1, Cr3, P1, Cr3, K1, K2tog, yo,
K4, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, K1, slm) 4 times.
136 sts.
Round 32: (K16, P1, K17, slm) 4 times.
Round 33: [Yo, (K 5, yo, S S K) t w i c e, K 1,
Cr3, K1, (K2tog, yo, K5) twice, yo, K1,
slm] 4 times. 144 sts.
Round 34: (K17, P1, K18, slm) 4 times.
Round 35: (Yo, K7, yo, SSK, K6, yo,
SSK, P1, K2tog, yo, K6, K2tog, yo, K7,
yo, K1, slm) 4 times. 152 sts.
Round 36: (K18, P1, K19, slm) 4 times.
Round 37: (Yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2,
yo, K1, yo, SSK, K6, yo, P3tog, yo, K6,
K2tog, yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2, yo,
K1, yo, K1, slm) 4 times. 160 sts.
Round 38: (K19, P1, K20, slm) 4 times.
Round 39: (Yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1,
yo, K3, yo, SSK, K6, P1, K6, K2tog, yo,
K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1, yo, K3, yo, K1,
slm) 4 times. 168 sts.
Round 40: (K20, P1, K21, slm) 4 times.
Round 41: (Yo twice, K5, yo, s2kpo, yo,
K5, yo, SSK, K5, P1, K5, K2tog, yo, K5,
yo, s2kpo, yo, K5, yo twice, K1, slm)
4 times. 184 sts.
Round 42: [(P1, K21) twice, P1, K1, slm]
4 times.
Round 43: [(Yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2)
twice, yo, K1, yo, SSSK, yo, K2, P1, K2,
yo, K3tog, (yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2)
twice, yo, K1, yo, K1, slm] 4 times.
192 sts.
Round 44: (K23, P1, K24, slm) 4 times.
Round 45: [(Yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1)
twice, yo, K3, yo, SSSK, yo, K1, P1, K1,
yo, K3tog, (yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1)
twice, yo, K3, yo, K1, slm] 4 times.
200 sts.
Round 46: (K24, P1, K25, slm) 4 times.
Round 47: [Yo twice, (K5, yo, s2kpo,
yo) twice, K5, yo, SSSK, yo, P1, yo,
K3tog, (yo, K5, yo, s2kpo) twice, yo,
K5, yo twice, K1, slm] 4 times. 216 sts.
Round 48: [(P1, K25) twice, P1, K1, slm]
4 times.
Round 49: [(Yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2)
3 times, yo, K2, P1, K2, (yo, K2, s2kpo,
K2, yo, K1) 3 times, yo, K1, slm] 4 times.
224 sts.
Round 50: (K27, P1, K28, slm) 4 times.
Round 51: [(Yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1)
3 times, yo, K3, P1, (K3, yo, K1, s2kpo,
K1, yo) 3 times, K3, yo, K1, slm] 4 times.
232 sts.
Round 52: (K28, P1, K29, slm) 4 times.
Round 53: [Yo twice, (K5, yo, s2kpo,

yo) 3 times, K4, P1, K4, (yo, s2kpo,
yo, K5) 3 times, yo twice, K1, slm] 4
times. 248 sts.
Round 54: (P 1, K 2 8, P 3 to g, K 2 8, P 1, K 1,
slm) 4 times. 240 sts.
Round 55: [(Yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2)
3 times, yo, K1, yo, K3, P3tog, K3,
(yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2) 3 times, yo,
K1, yo, K1, slm] 4 times. 248 sts.
Round 56: (K30, P1, K31, slm) 4 times.
Round 57: [(Yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1)
3 times, yo, K3, yo, K2, P3tog, K2,
(yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1) 3 times, yo,
K3, yo, K1, slm] 4 times. 256 sts.
Round 58: (K31, P1, K32, slm) 4 times.
Round 59: [Yo twice, (K5, yo, s2kpo,
yo) 3 times, K5, yo, K1, P3tog, K1,
(yo, K5, yo, s2kpo) 3 times, yo, K5,
yo twice, K1, slm] 4 times. 272 sts.
Round 60: [(P1, K32) twice, P1, K1, slm]
4 times.
Round 61: [(Yo, K1, yo, K2, s2kpo, K2)
4 times, yo, K3, (yo, K2, s2kpo, K2, yo,
K1) 4 times, yo, K1, slm] 4 times.
280 sts.
Round 62: K to e n d , sl m.
Round 63: [(Yo, K3, yo, K1, s2kpo, K1)
4 times, yo, K5, (yo, K1, s2kpo, K1, yo,
K3) 4 times, yo, K1, slm] 4 times.
288 sts.
Round 64: K to e n d , sl m.
Round 65: [(Yo, K5, yo, s2kpo) 4 times,
yo, K7, (yo, s2kpo, yo, K5) 4 times, yo,
K1, slm] 4 times. 296 sts.
Round 66: K to e n d , sl m.
Central Flower section is now complete.

Make 5 chains in scrap yarn using a
4mm crochet hook and slip all 5 loops
on to the second circular needle.
Using yarn still attached to central
section, work across scrap yarn as
follows: K1, K2tog K2.
Next row (WS): K3, P2tog tbl (working
tog 1 edge st with 1 st from central
Next row (RS): Sl 1 wyib, K3.
Rep last two rows using both circular
needles, taking in sts from the central
section to marker, ending after a WS

Set-up row 1 (RS): Sl 1 wyib, yo, K3.
1 st inc’d.
Set-up row 2 (WS): K3, P1, P2tog tbl
(working tog 1 edge st with 1 st from
central section).
Row 1 (RS): Sl 1 wyib, yo, K1, yo, K3.

Annecy Shawl

The Knitter Issue 149

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