k knit
p purl
alt alternative
beg begin/ning
ch chain
cm centimetre/s
cn cable needle
cont continue
dc double crochet
dec decrease
dpn(s) double-pointed needle(s)
foll follows/following
g gramme/s
g st garter stitch
(every row knit)
in inch/es
inc increase
k2tog knit two stitches together
(decrease 1)
k3tog knit three stitches together
(decrease 2)
kfb knit into front and
back of next stitch (increase 1)
kwise knitwise
LH/RH left hand/right hand
m marker
m1 make 1 stitch: pick up the loop lying
between the two stitches and knit
into the back of it (increase 1)
m1p make 1 purlwise
meas measures
mm millimetre/s
m st moss stitch
ndl needle
p2tog purl two stitches together
(decrease 1)
p3tog purl three stitches together
(decrease 2)
patt pattern
pm place marker
psso pass slipped stitch over
pwise purlwise
rem remain/ing
rep repeat
rev st st reverse stocking stitch
(RS purl, WS knit)
rnd round
RS/ WS right side/wrong side
skpo slip one, knit one, pass the slipped
stitch over (decrease 1)
sk2po slip one, knit two together, pass
slipped stitch over (decrease 2)
s2kpo slip two stitches
one at a time knitwise, knit one,
pass two slipped stitches over
(decrease 2)
sp2po slip one purlwise, purl two
together, pass slipped stitch over
(decrease 2)
sl1 slip one stitch
sl1p slip one stitch purlwise
sl st slip stitch
sm slip marker
ssk slip next two stitches one at
a time, knitwise, to right hand
needle, insert tip of left hand
needle through both stitches and
knit them together (decrease 1)
st(s) stitch(es)
st st stocking stitch
tbl through back loop
tog together
tr treble crochet
w&t wrap and turn
wyib with yarn in the back
wyif with yarn in the front
yf yarn forward
yfrn yarn forward and
round needle
yo yarn over
yrn yarn round needle
y2rn yarn twice round needle