Liverpool FC - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

The boss says the aim is to go again after LFC’s
unbeaten 442-day Premier League run came
to an end at Watford last month. “I am not
celebrating a 44-game run, I don’t know the
number. I know things like this are really difficult
because the boys have to beat everything:
each little pain, big time, each inner voice, each
voice from outside, stuff like this, the influence
from everywhere – you can’t lose anymore, you
cannot do all that stuff. That’s the world so we
have to stay on track. What the boys did so
far is exceptional, but it is not over. That is the
only thing I am interested in. We will go again,
I promise 100 per cent and then we will see
where it leads. Now let’s
carry on.”

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