New Scientist - USA (2020-04-25)

(Antfer) #1
18 | New Scientist | 25 April 2020

Space flight

Bats copy calls in mini
recording studios

BATS can learn to mimic specific
sounds, which puts them into
an elite group of animals.
Ella Lattenkamp at the
Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the
Netherlands, and her colleagues
put six adult pale spear-nosed
bats in mini recording studios
equipped with microphones,
speakers and remote-controlled
feeding devices. They then trained

Quantum chips
heat up – a tiny bit

FOR the first time, quantum
computer chips have been
operated at a temperature above
-272°C, or 1 kelvin. That may still
seem frigid, but it is just warm
enough to potentially enable a
huge leap in their capabilities.
Quantum computers are made
of quantum bits, or qubits, which
can be built in several ways. One
that is receiving attention from
some of the big players consists
of electrons on a silicon chip.
These systems usually function
only below 100 millikelvin,
or -273.05°C, so the qubits
have to be stored in powerful
refrigerators. The electronics
that power them won’t run at
such low temperatures, and also
emit heat that could disrupt the
qubits, so they are generally stored
outside the refrigerators with
each qubit connected by a wire
to its electronic controller.

Computing Animal behaviour

ASTRONAUTS’ brains increase in
volume after prolonged periods
in space, causing pressure to build
up in their heads. This may explain
why some astronauts have vision
problems after returning to Earth.
“This raises additional concerns
for long-duration interplanetary
travel, such as the future mission
to Mars,” says Larry Kramer at
the University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston.
Kramer and his colleagues
scanned the brains of 11 astronauts
before they spent about six months
on the International Space Station,
and at six points over the year
after they returned to Earth. All
the astronauts had increased brain
volume – including white matter,
grey matter and cerebrospinal
fluid – after returning from space

Under normal gravity, it is
thought that fluid in the brain
moves downwards when we stand
upright. But there is evidence that
the microgravity of space prevents
this, resulting in an accumulation
of fluid in the brain and skull.
The astronauts’ brain volume
increased by 2 per cent on average,
which could result in higher
intracranial pressure, says Kramer.
He suspects this might press on the
optic nerve, potentially explaining
the reported vision problems.
Kramer’s team is working on
methods to counteract the brain
changes by using artificial gravity.
These pull blood back towards the
feet and could include a human-
sized centrifuge that would spin a
person around at high speed, or a
vacuum chamber around the lower
half of the body. Layal Liverpool

Being in space for a long

time increases brain volume

the bats to imitate their own calls
by bribing them with mashed
banana if they repeated the sound.
The researchers recorded the
bats’ calls, then manipulated the
recordings to lower the frequency.
They then repeatedly exposed
the bats to different sounds,
rewarding the animals whenever
they imitated one correctly.
Within 30 days, all six bats had
learned to lower the frequency of
their calls to mimic the recordings
(Biology Letters,
The ability to imitate sounds,
called vocal production learning,
is rare. Humans can do it, as can
some birds, as well as elephants,
seals, dolphins and whales.
It is difficult, says Lattenkamp.
“You have to memorise the sound,
produce it and then you have
to hear again what you just
produced and compare it with
the template in your head.”
Vocal production learning
is crucial for speech, so studying
it in other mammals may show
how it developed in humans. LL

This makes it hard to scale up.
“It works for two qubits, but not for
a million,” says Menno Veldhorst
at QuTech in the Netherlands.
Veldhorst and his colleagues,
along with another team led by
researchers at the University of
New South Wales (UNSW) in
Australia, have now demonstrated
that these qubits can be operated
at higher temperatures.
The UNSW team was able to
control the state of two qubits
on a chip at temperatures up to
1.5 kelvin, and Veldhorst’s group
used two qubits at 1.1 kelvin in
what is called a logic gate, which
performs the basic operations
that make up more complex
calculations (Nature,
ggsbjk and
Now qubits can function at
higher temperatures, the next step
is incorporating the electronics
onto the same chip. “I hope that
after we have that circuit, it won’t
be too hard to scale to something
with practical applications,”
says Veldhorst. Leah Crane





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