2019-2020 A Resource Guide to Grief Counseling

(DRowe) #1

Role of The

Crisis Management Team and Principal

Mandatory All-Staff Meeting

Prior to the commencement of school following the death of a student, the principal should
have an all-staff meeting. Generally, the principal will have approximately fifteen minutes
to meet with the staff. In addition to the "before school" meeting, it is important to hold an
"after school" meeting to discuss the day's events and to talk about any students the faculty
has concerns about.

Step One: The principal will announce an immediate all-staff mandatory

meeting. Hopefully, the staff will know of the meeting through
telephone-tree notification.

Step Two: The principal identifies to the staff the Crisis Management Team

Leader and informs staff this person will assist the principal in
directing staff activities.

Step Three: The principal and the Crisis Management Team Leader inform

teachers and non-certified staff what is expected of them and review
the accompanying hand-out materials. (See Appendix) All confirmed
public facts regarding the student should be shared with the staff. (If
the death was by suicide, it is important that the staff do not confirm
the causation since parents may eventually litigate the issue. However,
students will discuss the nature of death, and at that point, the staff
can and should discuss the nature of death, and at that point, the staff
can and should discuss the issue of suicide. Reinforce the concept that
suicide is not an acceptable way to deal with lie's temporary problems
and is an act of poor judgment.)
Request that any staff member who, for whatever reasons, does not
believe he/she can discuss this topic with the class, inform the
principal. The principal then needs to assign a Crisis Team member to
the classroom. [In many instances, the teacher(s) closest to the student
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