The Economist - USA (2020-06-27)

(Antfer) #1
The EconomistJune 27th 2020 The Americas 25


Bello Lessons from history


he covid-19pandemic has still not
peaked in Latin America, and it is
likely to last for several more months.
Apart from the toll in human lives, the
virus and the efforts to fight it through
lockdowns have hammered economies
and forced tens of millions of Latin
Americans into poverty. The imfexpects
the economy of the region (including the
Caribbean) to contract by 9.4% this year,
with only a moderate recovery next.
Harder to divine are the political impli-
cations of this hardship. But if history is a
guide, they will be great.
Latin America has seen slumps on
this scale only twice in the past century.
The first was triggered by the Wall Street
crash of 1929. By 1932, many of the re-
gion’s economies had shrunk by 20%
(and 40% in the case of Chile and Cuba).
Export earnings and investment col-
lapsed. In most cases recovery came only
in 1933. The second slump was in the
1980s, when a string of countries de-
faulted on their foreign debts after inter-
national interest rates soared. For Latin
America as a whole, gdpper person
shrank by almost a tenth between 1981
and 1983. Recovery was much slower than
in the 1930s. The 1980s became known as
the “lost decade”.
Both these periods saw political
upheaval. Between 1930 and 1933 the
armed forces pushed aside civilian gov-
ernments and took power in eight Latin
American countries. In Chile the reverse
happened: a popular uprising overthrew
the government of General Carlos Ibáñez
in 1931. Over the next 18 months Chile
suffered nine successive governments,
two general strikes and several coups
before settling down under civilian rule
for the next 40 years. The 1980s saw the
opposite trend. Dictatorships, which had
prevailed in the region, yielded to elected

democratic governments in eight coun-
tries between 1982 and 1989.
Covid-19 struck Latin America as it was
already suffering political strains because
of several years of slow economic growth
and popular discontent over corruption
and poor public services. This discontent
manifested itself in the defeat of incum-
bent parties in many recent elections, the
rise to power of populist outsiders in
Brazil and Mexico in 2018 and a wave of
street protests last year, notably in Ecua-
dor, Chile and Bolivia.
The immediate effect of the pandemic
has been to strengthen presidents in sever-
al countries. The public has generally
applauded rulers who have tried to save
lives with lockdowns. And these lock-
downs have made it harder for opponents
to fight back, either in the streets or in
hampered legislatures. When the pandem-
ic ebbs but its economic consequences
linger, anger is likely to resurface and may
be directed at governments. “Rally-round-
the-flag is a very short-term effect; in a
couple of years people won’t connect the
economic crisis with the virus,” says Dan-

iela Campello, the co-author of a forth-
coming book on the links between eco-
nomic volatility and political instability
in South America. “It’s hard to see any
kind of [political] equilibrium or mainte-
nance of the status quo.”
What political direction will popular
anger take? One answer might be that it
will breed more populism. That is pos-
sible, but it may not apply where popu-
lism is the status quo. And populists tend
to have a hard time when money is short.
Optimists think that the overriding
lesson of covid-19 is that democratic
governments, armed with science and
openness, are doing a better job than
populists, and that voters will reward
them. That may be so in richer parts of
the world. In Latin America opposition to
incumbents, whether populists or demo-
crats, is more likely to be the trend.
If the 1930s and the 1980s are any
guide, the current slump may prompt
regime change. After three mainly demo-
cratic decades, the risk is of a return to
authoritarian rule. Already some presi-
dents, such as Nayib Bukele in El Salva-
dor and Jeanine Áñez, Bolivia’s interim
ruler, have used the pandemic as a pre-
text to grab extra powers.
The biggest threat is that the army
returns as a political actor, as it already
has in Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro, Vene-
zuela under Nicolás Maduro and to an
extent in Mexico and Bolivia. That is
partly because police may struggle to
maintain public order in the face of
popular anger. It is also because satis-
faction with democracy and its institu-
tions, already low in many countries,
may fall further, and would-be authori-
tarians, civilian or military, may spy an
opportunity. History need not repeat
itself. Nevertheless, Latin America’s
democrats will have their work cut out.

The risk of regime change and a new authoritarianism

called it “perhaps the single most success-
ful international agreement to date”.
Yet a gap has emerged between how
Canada sees itself and how the world sees
it, observes Bessma Momani of the Univer-
sity of Waterloo. Canada has recently con-
tributed less to unpeacekeeping missions
and given less aid to developing countries
than its European rivals. It had 34 active
peacekeepers at the end of May; Ireland,
with an eighth of its population, had 466.
Canada’s development assistance last year
amounted to 0.27% of gross national in-
come, well short of the un’s target for rich

countries of 0.7%. Norway gave more than
1%. Canadians’ perception of their country
as a model global citizen may be coloured
by “historical memory”, says Ms Momani.
Mr Trudeau was late to build relations
with African leaders, who have more than
50 votes at the un. His whirlwind tour of
the continent in February, which included
promises of aid and a stop at the head-
quarters of the African Union in Addis Aba-
ba, smacked of opportunism.
More bad news followed the Security
Council disappointment. On June 19th Chi-
na announced that Michael Kovrig and Mi-

chael Spavor, Canadian citizens, have been
charged with spying. China detained them
in December 2018 after Canada, acting on
an extradition request from the United
States, arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief
financial officer of Huawei, a Chinese tele-
coms giant. The new memoir by John Bol-
ton, President Donald Trump’s former na-
tional security adviser, confirms that Mr
Trump dislikes the Canadian prime minis-
ter. Mr Trump called him a “behind-your-
back guy”. Canada, to paraphrase the lyrics
of an early hit for Ms Dion, is searching for a
hand that it can hold. 7
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