Popular Mechanics - USA (2020-07)

(Antfer) #1




Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

When Slobodan Jaksic
stumbled upon our brain
teaser, the software
engineer living in Serbia
counted the triangles
sideways along the x-axis
and vertically along the
y-axis before assembling
his proof. As such, it
breaks down into hori-
zontal and vertical steps.
“I sent my ‘concep-
tual solution’ using
Mathematical Induction
to Francis Bonahon, Pro-
fessor of Mathematics,
University of Southern
California,” Jaksic says.
“He provided...his solu-
tion to the problem, with
a correct formula, using a
different approach.” Let
that be a reminder that,
even among the pros,
there are always multiple
ways to approach a

When we published the problem on Pop Mech,
readers started sending in their own solutions.
Soft ware engineer Slobodan Jaksic came up with
a mathematical proof to demystify the triangle
teaser. It goes like this:
Two lines meet at the top vertex denoted by
“A,” and the segment line connecting those two
lines is the “base.” The new polygon is the fun-
damental triangle. We can place an arbitrary
number of points on the base and connect them
to the top vertex A.
Assuming there are “n” vertices on the base,
where n is a natural number greater than or
equal to 2, we will prove that the new shape—let’s
call it “pyramid”—contains a number of trian-
gles equal to S(n) = n(n–1) ½. (See Fig. 1) For n
= 2, S(2) = (2
1) ½ = 1. It is correct.
Assuming the formula S(n) holds for n = k,
with k greater than or equal to 2, S(k) = k(k–1)

½. We will prove that S(n), where n = k + 1, holds
as well. (See Fig. 2)
In the modified pyramid (See Fig. 3), there
are “k” additional new triangles. Therefore,
S(k+1) = S(k) + k = (k(k–1) ½) + k = (k+1)
k ½.
Modify the pyramid by extending both edge
lines, and all lines between them connect to the
top vertex A, beyond the base, in the direction
opposite of the top vertex. Create new bases by
connecting one or more segments parallel to the
starting base.
Assuming there are a total of “m” bases in the
pyramid, we can prove the formula calculating
the number of triangles in the structure is: S(n,
m) = n(n–1)
½ * m.

Let’s prove that the formula holds for m = p +

  1. (See Fig. 3) The number of new triangles can
    be given as: (n–1) + ... + 2 + 1 = n(n–1) ½. Con-
    sequently, S (n, p+1) = S(n, p) + (n(n–1)
    ½) =
    (n(n–1) ½) p + (n(n–1) ½) = (n(n–1) ½) (p

  • 1).
    According to the Principles of Mathemati-
    cal Induction, we just proved the total number
    of triangles in the pyramid is given through the
    formula S(n, m) = n (n–1) ½ m, where n and m
    are natural numbers, n is greater than or equal
    to 2, n is an arbitrary number of vertices, and m
    is an arbitrary number of bases.
    Hat tip to Slobodan. Here I was just trying to
    annoy my coworkers.


A1 A2 A3 An

A1 A2 A3





A1 A2 A3
B2 B3

Y1 Y2 Y3

X1 X2 X3



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