Astronomy - USA (2020-08)

(Antfer) #1



The deep sky is
filled with tele-
scopic trea-
sures. And like Russian
dolls, some hide addi-
tional bounty within; the
Trapezium star cluster in
the Orion Nebula (M42)
is a classic example. This
month we’ll plunge into
the heart of another —
the Ring Nebula (M57)
in Lyra the Harp, one of
the sky’s most famous
planetary nebulae — and
try to visually snatch a
stellar pearl from the surrounding mist.
Aside from sky conditions, one’s ability to
snag the central star requires seeing to at
least magnitude 15 through your telescope.
To find out how faint a star you can see, try
using the American Association of Variable
Star Observers’ star chart for HS Sagittae
(bottom right) before heading for the Ring.
This star lies about 17° southeast of M57 in
the tiny constellation Sagitta the Arrow.
Comparing the eyepiece view with this chart
will revea l your scope’s limiting magnitude.
Seeing faint is only part of the equation, however.
What’s paramount to success is your ability to over-
come yet another obstacle: the feeble “mist” filling the
Ring’s annulus. When seen at low magnification, the
mist appears bright, thus lowering the contrast between
the central star and its background. In 1988, several
observers at the 18-inch f/14 Clark refractor at Wilder
Observatory in Amherst, Massachusetts, couldn’t
detect the Ring’s central star when viewed at 250x in a
wide field of view because M57’s “hole” was filled with
light. After they changed the magnification to 1,000x,
however, the Ring filled the field of view and everyone
saw the central star.
In August 1995, at Lick Observatory on Mount
Hamilton in California, the Ring’s inner edge rimmed
the small field of view of the 36-inch f/19 Clark refractor
at 1,176x. The sight of its dark well revealed the central
star and another field star shining brightly against a
dark, high-contrast background. An immediate walk
down the hall to Lick’s 40-inch Nickel ref lecting tele-
scope and a glance at the Ring through it at a much
lower power showed a magnificently bright ring filled

with a luminous mist. The central star, however, was
invisible despite the increase in aperture.
The smallest telescope through which I’ve seen the
Ring’s central star is the 9-inch f/12 Clark refractor at
Harvard College Observatory in 1976, and the story was
no different. Seeing the star required magnifications
between 600x and 700x with the Ring nearly filling the
field of view. Much time and patience behind the eyepiece
were also required — two other important factors needed
to achieve success when using smaller apertures.
So, a search for the Ring’s central star has at least three
principal components: 1) the ability to see stars to roughly
magnitude 15; 2) a telescope that can handle magnifica-
tions of 600x or more; and 3) atmospheric conditions that
allow such magnifications to be employed. In addition, I
find that a limited field of view (of only a few arcminutes)
helps by removing peripheral distractions. Long-focal-
length instruments with orthoscopic or Ramsden-type
eyepieces and a Barlow lens to increase the magnification
will do the job nicely.
A final consideration is the eye’s sensitivity to color.
Observers with blue-sensitive eyes have a bet-
ter chance of seeing the Ring’s hot central star
than those with red-sensitive eyes. Young
stargazers — and people who have had cata-
racts removed — have a much better chance
at achieving success than more senior observ-
ers whose eye lenses have begun to yellow.
As always, send your thoughts and obser-
vations to [email protected]. I’m always
open to suggestions for other topics as well.

A faint treasure lies deep within the Ring.

Pearl in the mist

The Ring Nebula
(M57) in Lyra is one
of the great sights
through amateur
telescopes during the
Northern Hemisphere
summer. This Hubble
Space Telescope
image reveals the
central star nicely.

Seeing faint

is only part

of the



Stephen is a globe-
trotting observer who
is always looking
for the next great
celestial event.


This 30'-wide telescopic field of view centered on HS Sagittae
shows stars to magnitude 15.8. The bright stars at top right are
Beta (β, top) and Alpha (α) Sagittae, both of which glow at
magnitude 4.4. South is up and east is to the right. AAVSO
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