Nature - USA (2019-07-18)

(Antfer) #1

reSeArCH Letter

Extended Data Fig. 1 | Functional essentiality and recurrent alterations
of FOXA1 in AR+ prostate cancer. a–c, AR (a) and FOXA1 (b) mRNA
(qPCR) and (c) protein expression in a panel of prostate cancer cells (n =  3
technical replicates). Mean ± s.e.m. is shown and dots are individual data
points. d–f, Growth curves of AR+ prostate cancer cells treated with non-
targeting control (siNC), AR- or FOXA1-targeting siRNAs (25 nM at day 0
and 1; n =  6 biological replicates). Immunoblots confirm knockdown
of FOXA1 protein in LNCaP and LAPC4 72 h after siRNA treatment.
For all gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. g, Crystal-violet stain
of AR− DU145 prostate cancer and LNCaP (control) cells treated with
siNC, AR- or FOXA1-targeting siRNAs. Results represent 3 independent
experiments (n = 2 biological replicates). h, Averaged proliferation
z-scores for 6 independent FOXA1-targeting sgRNAs extracted from
publically available CRISPR Project Achilles data (BROAD Institute) in
prostate and breast cancer cells. HPRT1 and AR data serve as negative
and positive controls, respectively. Mean ± s.e.m. is shown; dots are

proliferative z-scores for independent sgRNAs. i, Ranked depletion or
enrichment of sgRNA read counts from GeCKO-V2 CRISPR knockout
screen in LNCaP cells (at day 30) relative to the input sample. Only a
subset of genes—including essential controls, chromatin modifiers and
transcription factors—is visualized. j, Recurrence of FOXA1 mutations
across TCGA, MSK-IMPACT and SU2C cohorts. k, Density of break
ends (RNA-seq chimeric junctions) within overlapping 1.5-Mb windows
along chr14 in mCRPC tumours. l, Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of
seven mCRPC index cases with distinct patterns of FOXA1 translocations
(Tlocs) and duplications (Dups), nominated by RNA-seq (WA46, WA37,
WA57 and MO_1584) or whole-exome sequencing (MO_1778, SC_9221
and MO_1637). m, Concordance of RNA-seq (chimeric junctions) and
whole-exome-sequencing-based FOXA1 locus rearrangements calls
(mCRPC cohort). CNV, copy-number variation. n, Frequency of FOXA1
locus rearrangements in mCRPC based on RNA-seq and whole-exome
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