Nature - USA (2019-07-18)

(Antfer) #1

Letter reSeArCH

Extended Data Fig. 7 | Genome browser screenshots visualizing nUMIs
for exemplary genes. a, Example genome viewer screenshot of two single
cells for the Atg12 gene showing individual reads. Grey and black denote
the singly and doubly sequenced parts. The genomic sequence is colour-
coded (A, red; C, green; G, blue; T, orange). Mismatches are indicated
on the reads with the same colour code. On doubly sequenced parts, the
top and bottom triangle represents the corresponding mismatches of the
first and second read, respectively. In cell 84, there are two characteristic

4sU mismatches, which are observed in all reads. In cell 29, there are six
mismatches, which are distinct from those observed in cell 84. In both
cells, only a single new transcript with stochastic 4sU incorporation thus
gave rise to the respective reads. b, Example genome browser screenshot
for the Sqle gene. Here, at least four (nUMI = 4) mRNAs gave rise to the
observed reads. However, as not all reads overlap, this is likely to be an
underestimation of the actual number of cloned transcripts.
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