The Times - UK (2020-06-29)

(Antfer) #1

the times | Monday June 29 2020 1GM 45


this month is undoubtedly
Venus, rising several hours
before sunrise by the end of the
month and, at magnitude 4.3,
outshining everything but the
Sun and Moon. The latter pays a
visit on July 17, when Venus lies
close to the Hyades star cluster
in Taurus.
Returning to the Southern
sky, Jupiter and Saturn are sur-
rounded by the rich star clouds
of the central summer Milky
Way. This region, full of clusters
and nebulae, rewards patient
scanning with binoculars.
Working one’s way up from the
horizon, pass through Scutum
to reach the “summer triangle”

of three bright stars — Deneb,
Vega and Altair.
The last of these, marked on
this month’s map, is often over-
looked but it is a fascinating star.
At only 17 light years from Earth,
it is the fourth closest of the first
magnitude stars but its most
notable feature is its rapid rota-
tion. Despite being roughly
double the size of the Sun it
completes one rotation in just
nine hours, compared with our
own star’s stately period of
about 25 days (at the equator).
The speed of the rotation is
about 160 miles per second, and
the net result is that the star is
flattened; its circumference

around the poles is only three-
quarters of that around the
While Altair and the stars of
summer rise in the east, the
spring constellations now set in
the west before midnight.
Arcturus, in Boötes, is promi-
nent still, and below it as dark-
ness falls is the realm of the gal-
axies, the constellations of Virgo
and Coma Berenices. Last week
a new source was detected in
M85, a bright galaxy in Coma,
by the Atlas asteroid-hunting
telescope in Hawaii. This object,
now classified as SN 2020nlb, is
a supernova, a sudden explosion
which marks the death of a star

The night sky in July features
the opposition of both Jupiter
and Saturn, now visible
throughout the short summer
nights. Both lie in the southerly
reaches of the zodiac among the
stars of Sagittarius and thus are
never more than 20 degrees
above the horizon. Yet for those
with a clear southerly aspect,
the view of the planets at their
brightest will be a highlight.
Opposition occurs when the
Sun, Earth and a superior planet
(one further from the Sun than
us, as opposed to the inferior
Venus and Mercury) line up. In
such a configuration Earth is as
close as it gets to the other plan-
et and on July 14 Jupiter will be
only 386 million miles from us.
Such details matter to astro-
photographers who rely on the
consequent larger angular size
of the planet to pick out fine
details in the planet-wrapping
belts and storms that mark the
atmosphere of Jupiter in parti-
cular. Over the past few months,
activity in the “hollow” that
surrounds the long-lived Great
Red Spot has been attracting
particular attention, both from
Earth-bound amateur observ-
ers and Nasa’s Juno probe,
which is still making periodic
low passes to skim the gas giant’s
cloudtops and monitoring,
among other things, the pres-
ence of lightning storms in the
upper atmosphere.
Studying giant planets such as
Jupiter helps scientists to under-
stand conditions on the hun-
dreds of giant exoplanets now
known to orbit stars other than
the Sun, and the complex
dynamics of our own atmos-
phere. For the more casual star-
gazer, Jupiter and Saturn are
pretty ornaments in the sky; try
to spot them on July 5, when the
full moon is nearby.
To the right of the pair is
Antares, the brightest star in
Scorpius, named for its distinc-
tively red colour as the “rival of
Mars”. The real thing rises later
in the night — by 1am in the
middle of the month — and is
now brighter than Saturn. As
the planets orbit the Sun, once
every two years things are
aligned for a quick trip between
Earth and Mars and such a
configuration is achieved in Ju-
ly. Three launches — of the Chi-
nese Tianwen-1, their first Mars
lander; the Hope orbiter, a mis-
sion led by the UAE, and Nasa’s
mighty Perseverance rover —
are expected during the month.
The latter carries the crowd-
pleasing addition of Ingenuity, a
drone helicopter, which if all
goes well will complete the first
powered flight beyond Earth.
The most spectacular planet

Chris Lintott

from February 17.
6 John Llewelyn Bristow to be a
district judge (magistrates’ courts).
The lord chief justice deployed him
to the midland circuit, based at
Birmingham magistrates’ court,
from March 23.
6 His Honour Judge Andrew Paul
Lander Woolman retired as a circuit

St James’s Palace
28th June, 2020
The Princess Royal,
Colonel-in-Chief, today
addressed the Royal
Corps of Signals via
video link on the occasion
of the Corps’ Centenary.

Court Circular

THOSE who trust in the LORD are
like Mount Zion, which can never be
shaken, never be moved. As the
mountains surround Jerusalem, so
the LORD surrounds his people, now
and forever. Psalm 125.1-2 (GNB)
Bible verses are provided by the
Bible Society

Night Sky July Births, Marriages and Deaths

Gas giants strike a pose for photographers

(or in this case, a system involv-
ing a massive star and a com-
panion white dwarf).
The light we see comes not
from the explosion itself but
from the radioactive decay of
unstable elements fused during
the violence. Already well with-
in the reach of amateur imagers,
the absence of the supernova in
images taken by Atlas just a few
days ago suggests that it may
have been caught early, while
still rising to its peak brightness.
If so — though it is very unlikely
to become bright enough for
easy visual inspection — we
should expect much interest in
this nearby, rare event.

To use this chart hold it up so that the direction in which you are looking is at the bottom of the chart. The bottom edge of the
chart will then represent your real horizon and the centre represents the point directly overhead. The view is correct for the UK
at midnight GMT on July 1, 11pm GMT on July 15 and 10pm GMT on July 31

Legal news

6 The Queen has made the
following appointments on the
advice of the lord chancellor and the
lord chief justice of England
and Wales:
6 Hina Rai to be a district judge
(magistrates’ courts). The lord
chief justice deployed her to the
southeastern circuit, based at
Croydon magistrates’ court,

judge on February 1.
6 Regional Employment Judge
Richard John Thomas Byrne
retired on February 1.
6 District Judge Linda Margaret
Burgess retired from the district
bench on February 1.
6 District Judge Christopher
Douglas Gamwell retired from the
district bench on February 1.

CR-2020-0024 92
Form was on the 17 June 2020 issued
in Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice
seeking the confirmation of the
cancellation of the share premium
account as at 3 0  November 2 016  of the
above named Company. AND NOTICE
IS FURTHER GIVEN that the said Claim
Form is directed to be heard before
the Insolvency and Companies Court
Judge at the Royal Courts of Justice,
The Rolls Building, 7 Rolls Building,
Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL on
Tuesday 7 July 2020 at 10.30am. Any
Creditor or Shareholder of the said
Company desiring to oppose the
making of an Order for the
confirmation of the said cancellation off
share premium account as at 3 0
November 2016 should appear at the
time of the hearing in person or by
Counsel for that purpose. If the
hearing is held remotely (including by
Skype), any Creditor or Shareholder
who wishes to appear should contact
[email protected] in
advance of the hearing. A copy of the
said Claim Form will be furnished to
any such person requiring the same by
the undermentioned Solicitors on
payment of the regulated charge for
the same.
DATED this 29th day of June 2020
Howard Kennedy LLP
No. 1 London Bridge
London SE1  9 BG
Ref: SH 3
Tel: 020 37 55 6000
Fax: 020 3 650 6847
Solicitors for the above-named

CR-2 020 - 001642

  •  AnD -
    Order of the High Court of Justice
    dated 9 June 2020 confirming the
    reduction of the share capital of the
    Company in the sum off
    £12,871,927.00, by cancelling and
    extinguishing 36,133,558 B ordinary
    shares of £0.29353 each and 36, 133 , 558
    C ordinary shares of £0.06270 each in
    the capital of the Company, and
    the Statement of Capital approved by
    the Court were registered by the
    Registrar of Companies on 12 June
    202 0.
    Dated: 2 9  June 202 0
    Mills & Reeve LLP
    Botanic House
    100  Hills Road
    CB2 1PH,
    Solicitors for the above-named

Tadcaster, passed away peacefully at
home after a short illness on 2 0 th June
2020 aged 75 years. Beloved wife of
Peter, loving mum of Elizabeth and
grandma of Daniel and Matthew. A
private graveside service will take
place at Tadcaster Cemetery on
Thursday 2nd July at 2.00pm, a
memorial service will take place at a
later date. Carole will be sadly missed
by all.
INGLIS-JONES, Giles - Beloved
husband of Arabella, and adored father
of Angus, Jessie, Isabella, Dominic and
Kalula, passed away peacefully at
home on the 22nd June 2020, aged 53.
We are poorer but heaven is richer.
Memorial to be held later in the year.
MICHAELSON Joseph Martin passed
away peacefully on 24th June 2020,
aged 79. Much loved Husband, Dad,
Brother and Grandpa. Wendy, Louise,
Adam, Veronica, Ian, Fraser, Madeleine,
Phil, Josie, Danny, Nina, Nate and Ana.

90th Birthday. With love from your
children and grandchildren.

In Memoriam -
CAUSER In loving memory of Isobel
Causer (née Tombs), born 28th June

1920. Much love, Maggie and David.


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