Science - USA (2020-06-05)

(Antfer) #1
SCIENCE 5 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6495 1047

should cool to black over billions of years.
But if the white dwarf orbits in a binary
pair with another star, a more spectacu-
lar fate may await it. The classic type Ia
scenario was proposed in 1973 by John
Whelan and Icko Iben. They mapped out
the fading light of supernova SN 1972e for
one full year, and realized its brightness
could be explained by the decay of about
one solar mass worth of radioactive met-
als. These, they proposed, were forged in
a white dwarf that had grown to a size at
which the pressure and temperature in its

core would be high enough to fuse carbon,
causing a thermonuclear blast. Whelan
and Iben suggested the white dwarf might
grow to that mass threshold if its grav-
ity stole hydrogen gas from a companion
star such as a puffed-up red giant, which
doesn’t clutch its outer layers too tightly.
Later modeling showed achieving this
growth was a tricky balancing act. If a
white dwarf gobbles up hydrogen too fast,
the hydrogen layer that forms on its sur-
face can get hot enough to blow up pre-
maturely, in a more modest thermonuclear

explosion called a classical nova or, if it
happens repeatedly, a recurrent nova. If
it accumulates too slowly, the white dwarf
can tiptoe up to a mass 1.44 times that of
the Sun. At that threshold, known as the
Chandrasekhar limit, theorists predict the
pressure inside will cause electrons and
protons to fuse into neutrons, and the
white dwarf will quietly collapse into a
neutron star.
But if the hydrogen is added at just the
right rate, a white dwarf, especially one
rich in carbon and oxygen, can respond

Red giant
Hydrogen layer (Not to scale)
builds up


Red giant

Core ignites

White dwarfs

Heat of merger
sparks fusion

White dwarf binary

White dwarfs
on point
of merger

Helium is
pulled across

Helium layer


Shock waves
ignite core

Second dwarf
thrown from blast



White dwarf

Sun Red giant

Mass = 1.4 Suns

Mass ≥ 1.4 Suns

Mass ≤ 1.4 Suns

Nuclear options
Type Ia supernovae, critical as
cosmic rulers and chemical forges,
are explosions of white dwarfs. But
why would a burned-out star go
nuclear? For decades, researchers
thought a giant companion star
donated gas to the white dwarf until
it was heavy enough to ignite. Two
alternative theories have emerged,
both involving white dwarf pairs in
spiraling dances to the death.

Stellar cinder
When a Sun-size star
runs out of hydrogen
and helium fuel, it
collapses to a white
dwarf, an Earth-size
ember made mostly
of carbon and
oxygen. Left alone,
it could smolder
for billions of years.
But a more explosive
fate may await if it is
paired with another star.

Classic scenario
The white dwarf steals gas, gaining enough
weight to start carbon fusion—leading to
a runaway explosion.

White dwarf merger
Merging white dwarfs generate heat to
spark carbon fusion. But the explosions may
be superficial and lopsided.

Double detonation
Just before a merger, one dwarf steals a thin
layer of helium that detonates, igniting
a bigger explosion in the core.

Orbits shrink as stars
emit gravitational


Published by AAAS
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